Chapter 14

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Y/n's POV:
The next morning, I was woken up by Auntie Momo, because apparently they have a thing today. So I lazily got out of bed, put on my sweats, my glasses, but my hair in two braids, then went to the living room.

Everyone else was wearing casual clothes because they didn't need to dress up for what they would be doing today. So this is what they'll wear on camera.

I said good morning to everyone, going to the kitchen to eat an apple because I'm not eating breakfast. I turned around to see Aunties Nayeon and Jeongyeon walk into the kitchen laughing while holding hands. But stopped when they saw me

I took a bite out of my apple as I looked at their hands "So are you like a thing? Cause I'm okay with it."

They smiled and nodded. I hugged them before walking out of the kitchen just eating my apple. Manager unnie called everyone to leave, so I grabbed my hat and mask, threw away my apple, and headed to the car.

I wasn't really in a talking mood so I just played on my phone, but really I wanted to sleep. I've been waking up early because of their schedules, so I'm still trying to wake up myself.

Mina's POV:
I'm sitting next to Chae, and we both noticed that Y/n looked tired. She was just staring at her phone with a straight face but yawning every 2 minutes.

"Y/n honey, why don't you just take a nap. Well wake you up when we get there"

She shook her head, but again yawned "Nah..I'm okay. I'm not even tired"

She gave a slight smile, before going back to her phone. So me and Chae decided to leave Y/n alone, just playing games on our phones together.

We looked back up, and we saw that Y/n fell asleep with her phone on accidentally. I tapped on Tzuyu's shoulder, since she was sitting next to Y/n.

"Tzu, can you turn off her phone. I don't want it to die"

She nodded, slowly grabbed her phone, but stopped when she looked at it. Something must've caught her attention, I hope it's not anything bad.

She saw my confused look, so she gave me and Chae her phone so we could see what she was looking at. Y/n was looking for cameras to it, so I checked her phone to see if she she had any notes on which one she wanted.

I found the ones she was looking at, slowly keeping track of the money she needed to save up, but since she moved...she doesn't have the money she saved up, and not enough needed.

Chaeyoung typed in the brand name, finding the exact one she wanted, and I was looking at the others. It turns out she was looking at the cheapest one she found. It's still a lot of money though.

Tzuyu's POV:
I gave Mina the phone, and she's looking at it, but I guess she's making plans to buy Y/n a new one. So I decided to do some research to see which camera is best.

I got an idea, so I typed it out so I can show Mina and Chae without waking up Y/n and so she doesn't know just in case.

'Let's ask Jihae since she works with cameras. She'll know what's the best camera. We can surprise Y/n since she wants one'

They gave me back my phone after a while. They must've thought it was a good idea...or I hope they do. They typed a message back to me as well, oh so that's what took them a while.

Chae: 'That's a good idea Tzu, Jihae will be there today. Let's ask her to go this weekend, so me, you, Mina, and Jihae can go to the store, look, and buy one'

I gave them a thumbs up before erasing everything, then I put Y/n's phone back to how it was when she fell asleep.

I looked over to see Dahyun looking at us confused, so I realized that she would be able to help us, especially since she's here right now. So I sent her a text

'Can you distract Y/n while we ask Jihae a question, we're planning a surprise for her. We'll text the group chat later and tell everyone our plan'

She read the message, and gave me a thumbs up. We went back to what we all were doing, and soon arrived to the studio where we will film a little game thing.

Jihyo's POV:
When we arrived at the studio, I went to the other van to help the others get down and saw Y/n asleep. The others were about to wake her up, but I stopped them

"Guys, I'll carry her. Let her sleep, she's not used to our schedule yet"

They nodded, so I went to the other side, carefully getting her out of her seatbelt, and carrying her out of the van. She stirred a little but overall stayed asleep, so I was able to carry her inside.

Manager unnie saw me, and took Y/n from me so I can go film, but I saw the others talking in a group, so I went to check out what they were talking about.

Mina was talking about Y/n "I told Tzu to turn off her phone, and when she was going to, she saw that Y/n was looking for cameras to buy. But she was going for the cheapest they had, but it still costs a lot. We now have a good idea to buy her a camera and surprise her with it"

I'm in love with this idea, Tzuyu came up to us with Jihae. She seems to already know about the idea, and if she wasn't okay with it, she wouldn't be here

"So will you come with us this weekend?"'

She nodded so we came up with a it is

This weekend Mina, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu will have a 'Schedule', but they are really gonna be picked up by Jihae to go to the store to look and buy a camera.

All of us, even us at home will pitch in to pay for it, I can't wait to surprise her later after they get the camera. It's exciting.

We just talked, waiting to start, but then our manager oppa yelled that we were about to start. I saw Y/n wake up startled and was really scared, she calmed down after seeing manager unnie than us.

I feel bad, but at least she's better now, and she seems more awake as well. She sat up and was next to manager unnie, and gave us a thumbs up to continue.

Y/n's POV:
I woke up so scared, I didn't even realize where I was, but when I saw manager unnie, I calmed down a little, then I saw Twice and I calmed down more.

They were at the other end, and I know that they were concerned, so I gave them a thumbs up so they can continue. I just watched what they were going to do

While they were filming and doing things, I went on my phone and waited, but I realized that I left the page open with all the cameras.

I hope I can get a camera soon, even though this is the cheapest I found, it's still a lot more than what I have right now.

What confuses me is the apps and pages that are open on my phone. I never opened these, my guess is mom and Auntie Mina, I look up confused, I wonder if they were on my phone. They saw me looking at them, quickly walking over.

I showed them my phone "I never opened these apps or pages, did any of you go on my phone?"

They shook their head, but mom smiled "Are you sure you didn't open them, I mean you fell asleep and you could've forgotten, that could happen"

I thought about it for a while, then turned off my phone. "I guess maybe, I just don't remember being on the website I was on. Uh never mind, have fun filming"

They gave me a quick hug, then went back to the group. Finally they started filming, so I took pictures of them while they filmed. Some noticed, others didn't, but I got a little closer trying to get better pictures and that it looks like a professional took them.

After a while and multiple photos, I finally got all the pictures I needed. I know they will want the pictures, I'm sure the staff will want them as well to promote. The only reason I know is because they already asked, it's okay though. I just happily watched them film and have fun.

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