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Unknown POV

It was easier for them to take things away from me but this time they're not taking her. If I get lucky I'll have them both in my arms. Jack left me alone now it's his turn to suffer. Leave a brother behind didn't he?

Does he really think I gave up? It's been years but family is family. What's mine is mine. I don't believe in sharing so he had to take her away from me . They don't know that everything always go back to where they rightfully belong. Change isn't always permanent, well for me it isn't.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I don't know who I was looking at anymore. The barrier around me now stripped down no nothing but rubble leaving the cold world to whisk me away into the place I dreaded the most. I remember wanting to be on his team wanting to be his brother now I'm happier being his enemy, showing what it feels like to fail to be disappointed. It's all fair in war isn't it?

With all the thinking I've been doing I hadn't realize that I was standing at their door. I knocked and the right person answered

"I told you to come over at 11 it's 6"

"Early bird gets the worm right" I smirked as she pulled me inside sneaking silently upstairs making sure no one saw us. In everyone's head I wasn't supposed to be back yet or at all for that matter. She closes the door to her room behind her and locks it.

"Why are you here?"

"Well you went through the trouble to contact me princess"

"I mean so early" she fidgeted

"Can we just cut to the chase I'm kinda in the process of getting my girl back"

"She wasn't yours to begin with!"

"She might not be but a little someone is and we both know that for a fact but who knows I might have them both it's not like she's married"

"Why am I helping your dumbass again?"

"Because your insanely hot gay ass is in love with the woman I want and doesn't want to jeopardize the friendship you both have by only letting her know our little secret"

"You already have a kid why the trouble?"

"That thing is not mine it's his she lied to me and you know it!" At this point my anger was seeping out my cracks broken I was to an extreme and she was going to make it visible

"Well dumb fuck you're even dumber than I thought" she crossed her arms glaring at me with her pastel blue eyes. Those things were on my nerves but I couldn't help but laugh at her attitude. I suddenly felt my fingers wrapped around her neck as she was up against the wall, fear boosted into her eyes no longer filled with the rage but now of fear.

"That childish attitude you give your friends doesn't work on me baby so you might as well shove it up you ass where it belongs or I'll do it for you" I felt her trembling beneath me and it satisfied me. She had nothing to say, quite speechless. How I liked her.

"Got it?" I asked her with the wide grin I felt growing onto my face

She shook her head at a rapid pace and I let her go and left

If she only knew that she was in my game. If she thinks I'm about to risk my chances of having my daughter in my arms and my potential wife then she's psychotic.

She's dumber than I thought...

Comatose (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now