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"As much as I'd like that I can't leave without Ruby she still belongs to the state I have to wait a week to get the notice to say that she's mine" we were in the elevator heading up to my apartment because she didn't want to go home right away. We dropped Dejeah home and now it was just us.

I advised her to take a vacation but you already saw how that's going

"Besides I want her to get comfortable with us before she gets mad with something she's not used to and wants to take off" she explains and I fully understood her. I don't know why I never considered having a normal conversation with her instead of acting the way I did it felt nice.

As we made the left turn on my floor I noticed she stopped talking. I looked up from the floor and looked at her wondering why she stopped.

"I think I should go" her eyes weren't focused on me but down the hall. I followed her gaze and saw Stassie sitting in front my door on the floor on her phone. She looks up at us and quickly stands adjust her dress on her body. She looked between Samantha and I and furrows her eyebrows, glaring confusion.

"No you are my guest and you need someone to talk to" I ran my hands through my hair nervously and I looked into her eyes hoping she'd stay

"So does she, it's ok though" she smiles genuily before kissing my cheek

"I'll let you know when I get home" she says before she looks towards Stassie and waves at her. Stassie waves back with a smile and then Samantha left.

Anastasia you better have a reason for this

Samantha's POV

I got home and Jack's car was there and another all too familiar. Dear God it's only one in the damn morning.

I opened the the door and saw Jack and Madison sitting across from each other.

"How was your night out with Derek?" He spoke jealousy thick on his tone. He didn't have to right to be...he shouldn't be. If anything I should be because she's before me. She's funny sweet and has a sleek body for a magazine cover. Her hair always neatly done unless she feels to. But I wasn't that type of person.

"It was great" was all I said because I wanted to go kiss my baby nuggets goodnight, well morning

"Samantha if you are doing this to get back at me I don't appreciate it" anger was now written all over his face yet I couldn't be fazed by it. Let him believe whatever it is he wants.

"Sam I'm sorry about what happened but don't be mad at him" Madison finally spoke up

"I don't care ok, for you Madison, I have lost all trust and respect for you...your apology is beneath me"

"If you don't care why did you sleep with him"

Was he being serious?

This imbecile?

His dick's ego is bigger than his brain and it's on my damn nerves

"Who the fuck said I did, I'm not you Jack I don't hurt people because I have pitty ass problems you do the most unnecessary shit and you won't see that this is more than annoying with you...you think I'm anything like you hell should I go out and fuck the first guy that comforts me...Jack I went out with him and Dejeah, I went out because I believe he changed and I do because he asked me up front not to be a father but to be around for his little girl to make me see that makes me not want you around yours!"

I yelled and I was out of breath. Holding something I didn't know I was but somehow I know later on it will be worst.

"What" his tone goes down and he looks at me with those eyes, the eyes that suddenly told me that he broke.

"I want you to stop being an alcoholic go to rehab and after that you can come home but for now we're not getting married we're not living together and we are not together, get out"

Suddenly footsteps were heard coming downstairs and I turned to see my mom and sisters. Knowing I was hurting my mom came to hold me as tears streamed from my eyes.

"Get out" my voice cracked as I tried preventing myself from yelling so I won't wake up the girls

"I'm sorry Sammy I-"

"You think so low of me..."

He sighs depressingly before getting his things and left.

At this point I couldn't hide it anymore. Now they knew. Now I knew.

The next morning

Today we were going to decorate Ruby's new room to make her feel welcomed. She barely wanted to change a thing but the colours she wanted we'd have to go out and get them so for now we were painting canvases to put in her room and all over the house. An and Em were trying to paint a bird they saw for the past hour, mom was splatting black, white and greys on a canvas claiming to be Vincent Van Goh's great great granddaughter so she apparently had his blood flowing through her veins. Sierra and Adalee were some with their canvas and was now enjoying painting each other. Sam was on his way to join the fun. He went to get us pizza.

I looked over at Ruby and she was sketching a girl. The girl's face was rosey and beautiful, her eyes puffy from crying the obvious tears that strolled down her cheeks. The thing that caught my eye the most was the cracks on her face. The little pieces chipped away falling at her feet. As they feel into the ground flowers free from the shards tangling and her feet pulling her down. The girl looked somewhat like her but her hair was beach waved instead of unruly curls like Ruby's. Damn this girl could draw.

"Who's that?" I asked now focused on each stroke she made with her pencil but instead of answering me she completely bypassed my question with another

"Jack doesn't like me does he?" She doesn't once look at me, hiding her emotions looking as if she was unfazed by it, as if she didn't care

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