how do you know?

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Her eyes said a story that I've once read before. I've read it but who's to say that I understood hers. A book can have the same title but it's cover and words can always change. I didn't know whether if to trust her or not...

I know I shouldn't but I feel like something great might come out of this, not just for me but for her. I shouldn't be helping this crude person in front of me because not just because she hurt Sammy but she deprived my child and myself of something special, a bond it took me a while to achieve, a bond that Sierra might hate when she's older.

"I still don't get why I should help you"

"Help me figure out what more Derek could want, let's make sense of it and get him to stop his plan"

"How can you stop something you don't know about"

"How can you fall in love at first sight yet still be in denial to fight for someone that doesn't see or want what you do"

"This is relevant how?"

"Jack...just do me a favour and think about it, tomorrow morning meet me in the parking lot at 5th if you're a no show I get it"

Her smile looked a positive 5 out of 10 disappointment. I know she was expecting me to agree to meet her at once but I had to understand if to risk what I have is worth the time to fix a problem that possibly doesn't exist. My mind clouded with the thought of the beginning, when Derek came along.



Derek Luh


Something's up with those two and its not their wacky ass revenge plot. Think I'll need a second opinion but for now I want my kids in bed, Samantha's nipple covered in whipped cream and my tongue licking it off

"Yo bitch are you even listening to me" suddenly these bright pink nails were snapped in front my eyes bringing me back to awful reality...well it is for now till I get them tits

"What!" I looked down and my fiance's annoying bestfriend Dejeah. Of all people to snap me out of my thoughts why'd it have to be her. She always figures shit out and taunts me about it.

The whole world already knows I'm a baby for Samantha but damn she didn't need to edit my picture putting a pacifier and a diaper on me, she didn't have to post it on her instagram either. Sammy and I are the only ones that know I call her mami like why the hell not, I'm a kinky little bitch

"Where's your wife I wanna kidnap your cute ass kids for the night" she grins looking all over

This night's looking up

Sammy prepare to scream

"Have you tried calling her"

"Well I would dickwad if my phone wasn't dead"

"Did you check with Kelsey"

"Kelsey went to help Johnson with a 'crisis' before he goes on stage" she snickered

Why didn't he tell me he was going out with Kelsey. Johnson doesn't really talk much anymore as I think about it

"Check by the horses"

"Or not cuz here they come" she identified as her ear to ear grin grew if that was even possible

"Daddy we met JoJo Siwa!" Adalee was jumping up and down all that energy won't go to waste.

Kels and Dejeah will have fun putting their energy in a box

"Babes cover your ears for aunty D" Dejeah insisted and they did as told before they recognized the candy table behind me. They looked towards Samantha and have her the eyes. The eyes that could break every bone in your body, the evil glistening that will hold you and drown you.

"Sure it's still early" she smiled

"Ok so I have a preposition for you both" Dejeah's hands were now folded as her eyes looked between Samantha and I with the most mischievous of smirks

"I take those cuties over there for the night and you guys can fit the banana in the grapefruit...I'll have them back over tomorrow night"

Samantha sighs with a little laugh and looks at me then Dejeah "Did he put you up to this?"

"What you guys not popping cherries, Jack's little friend not working or you realised that you're too good for him" she says with an all to serious face

"Excuse you I'll have you know my big friend is great at his job he loves his job especially when he gets to drill" I ranted

"TMI bro God dayum"

"Your dick's ego is bigger than Kim Kardashian's ass and that woman carries load" she laughs as she looks towards Kim who was holding North

"That's what I've been saying" Samantha giggled a high pitch laugh as she tried to hold her loud outburst from happening

"You told him about big daddy" Dejeah smirked

"You told her who was better than me and you won't tell me of all people I deserve to know" I fumed disappointed

"Well I mean..." Sam snickered

"Well I have the biggest dick and can whoop any guys ass if they wanna hurt one of my girls" Dejeah spoke casually and that's when I felt the most of shame. I was competing against a girl and that girl is Dejeah it's even more shameful

How did I not figure that out


The girls were out meaning it was only Sammy and I. She made me stay in our room while she had to go get something. When she got back she closed the door behind her and snakes a can of whipped cream from behind her back

This woman can read my mind!!!

I wonder what else she knows?

The red can blended in the colour of her robe, the robe that hid the perfect view. That robe hurt me today and I'm gonna burn it, it's a damn cock sex blocker. She turns on the red led lights on the ceiling telling me immediately that it was going to be that kind of night.

She puts the can on the night stand beside the bed and slowly crawls on top of me to where she sat on my thighs. She again moves slowly to let the robe calmly fall off her beautiful skin revealing to me the most of sexy black lace that kisses her body like a second skin. I couldn't close my mouth or my eyes. I loved what she was wearing but I hated that I wanted to rip it off. She kisses my forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin but not my lips.

She knows I wanna taste her but she chooses to behave like a damn sexy ass tongue blocker. Everything is a damn blocker today.

When she finally reaches for the can she sprays it where she feels necessary and...

Comatose (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now