I'm an a**hole

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Jack's POV

I grabbed my phone off the side table of the hospital bed and was ready to leave.

I walk out the hospital a little sour knowing I would have to come back in the morning to start my session. I honestly have to go back to living in my car until. Johnson gave up on me and I'm not allowed to go back home, well so Samantha says but I know her mind.

I'm going home

I walked out the hospital with high hopes of being able to spend the night with my family. Weirdly spotting a black Audi, familiar dark haired guy leaning against it with that dumb smirk and mole on his face

"Fuckboy" I thought

"He bud" he smiles slyly

"After your last visit I could've sworn we weren't going to see each other again" I smiled sarcastically

"After my last visit I could've sworn I told you to stay away from Samantha" he said in the same dreadful time as I did with the same smile

How could he know about that?

"I have my ways Jack and you know that" he answered the question I guess my face gave up. It's actually really hard for me to hide my expressions

I might not say it but my face does.

"Where are planning to go G" he chuckles

"Home...to get my stuff" I wasn't lying all that much

He watched me cautiously

"I have to come back here for rehab and therapy sessions"

"Ok...let's say I believe you do you need a ride...I need to see my daughter actually"

"I don't need nor want anything from you" I said as I started walking away

"Don't be like that Gilinsky...we were friends remember that, well until you fucked my bitch" his tone went down at the last part

If he only knew

Yes I felt the guilt acts I kept seeing his face. It was an accident that went too far.

I stopped the first cab that I saw and ignored him. I laid back with a heavy sigh and thought about what happened those few days back then

The more I thought about it the more I realise how messed up I am.

I'm an asshole

Comatose (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now