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Jack's POV

This is a boring chapter I promos the next one is gonna be better

"Where the hell do you find your friends Gilinsky" Kylie laughs uncontrollably at the drama Kelsey was stiring on social media"people like her make pretty girls look terrible"

"Anyway so Derek did come over"

"Yeah a few months after your twins were born, he said he wanted to leave things in a good note...he spoke with his son and that was it he promised never to come back"

"Then what...I'm confused"

"Maggie did Derek ever tell you anything about a girl named Stassie"

"I think I remember her, he cheated on me with an Anastasia that's what caused our breakup"

"That's her do you know anything about her" Kylie made sure to stay attentive during the time that we've been here

"No sorry but I'm sure Delany can help, she's Derek's sister they haven't spoken in years" Maggie explains

"Where is she?" Kylie hypes

"She just got back to L.A. I can schedule a meeting if you like"



By the time I got home it was already night and time to head over to Kylie's place.

"Are you really gonna give me the silent treatment" I held her by the waist while I looked at her pretentious anger. Her lips pulled in suppressing her laughter as she looked away

"You know the twin are right across the hall so if I as so much whisper their names they'll be right by my side to help torture you" I whispered into her ear and she still said nothing

"Sierra, Adalee mommy's being naughty again you know what that means!" I yelled and her eyes widened already knowing what's coming

Little feet were getting louder as they approached our bedroom door

"Daddy you have to learn to fix you problems yourself" Adalee slumpped making it seem as if she's tired

"I agree you can't rely on our powers" Sierra said before she tried climbing on our bed but failed miserably.

What the hell they're only 5 what are they getting at

I watched as she tried with the first leg lifting it and using her fingers to help the sheets. Our bed was really high compared to them. She huffed at the bed as if they were both in a heated argument

"I'll but you the big teddy bear you guys wanted"

"No!" Sierra whinned

"That's too small get the one that's bigger than you" Adalee

I see Adalee is picking up her sister's traits but what am I saying I'm teaching my kids bribery.

"Deal" I agreed

"Do it and you're both grounded for a week"

"Good luck dad hope you enjoy death" Sierra said as she ran out the room with Adalee

"Wuss!" I yelled

"I'm afraid of my mother don't test me" Sierra yelled back

"Where's your army pretty boy" Samantha's eyes held mischievous glow while on her face a devilish grin was planted

"Let me go I have to get the twins ready" she squirmed


"I just told you shitwad" she giggled

"If I can't tickle you what shall your punishment be" I said slyly

"Jack I will freaking ground you too!"

"What am I 5"

"I don't mean you can't go anywhere I mean no sex" she grinned and I immediately let her go and ran

Comatose (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now