I'm out

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"His brain was shaken up a bit so it's slightly bruised and slight nerve damage that caused a shock which lead to paralysis of his leg, we were able to fix it but right now his leg is numb" doctor Kane explained

"You'll be able to take him home in 5 days tops"

"I'm not taking him home" I said as I looked towards a sleeping Jack

"Then who is might I ask"

"Trust me he'll find his way...now when do you think he'll wake up?" I spoke strictly not wanting to let my emotions get the best of me

"Any moment now"

I nod my head and walk into Jack's room where Derek was already sat paying attention to his phone

"You decided if you're going to meet your daughter yet?" I ask pulling the papers out my bag so Jack could sign

"I'm not going and I'm not telling Stassie, I think it's time I leave her out my life for good" he sighs a tired sigh and I hope thought about the times I've misjudged him. I still would never get too close because what he did to me would never be forgotten or forgiven but I can build over new.

"Sammy?" His hoarse voice rang through my ears like squidward's out of tune clarinet playing.

I'll admit that I was hiding a night's worth of tears but he doesn't deserve that.

His eyes adapted to his surrounding then at Derek and was ready to fly at him causing him to land flat on his face high fiving the floor. I wanted to laugh but it would be cruel. Derek didn't hide his devious smirk though.

I would have called the nurse but it was great to see him struggle the way I did in front of him.

"So you have 2 options, either you pay your depts or you go to prison"

"What are you talking about"

"Jack I know about your spending spree you can fix this and be in your children's life so I'll advise you find the money"

"You're really willing to send your baby daddy to prison ma" he asked looking at me as if I was missing a few screws

"You played now it's my turn...I was able to give you till the rest of the year to pay the rest that you haven't payed. If you're not even close to calculated about in time then you'll be sentenced for fraud, abuse on my behalf and your children " I say plainly

Gosh I should be an actress

"Don't you love me, don't you love our family, how could you hurt your kids, hurt me"

"My children's future with an abusive father isn't what they need"

"I was there before then what I say goes"

"How nice of you to show your true colours but if you're done ranting can you sign the papers so I can call your mother and tell her that her son's been a bad boy"

I was glad his reaction brought a smile to Derek's face but it left my heart with an irritating scar, that itches. The more he scratched at it, the more it was torn apart.

I handed him the pen and papers and he signed willingly.

No words were said, not a sound was heard except my heart beat racing and pounding against my ear

"You go on ahead I want to talk to him for a sec" Derek shared a little smile that made worry wash over me like a damn tsunami.

Derek's POV

She walked off to the doctor and I back to Jack.

I watch as he tried pulling himself onto the bed but fails miserably

I ended up helping him up and he sat there looking at me in shock

"Remember when I said you owe me"

"I don't owe you shit...you left me to the side of the road a dirty hobo had to drag me to the bus stop where a family found me and had to try to pry me out of that hobo's grimey hands you know why? Because he was fucking Gay Derek..." I could help but find this amusing

"What's so funny about me almost getting raped by a gay hobo"

"Karma is a bitch isn't it"

"How nice of you to rub it in, you have it all"

"Not quite, remember when I said you owe me" I say as I pulled a chair up and sat next to him

"Remember when I said I don't owe you shit" he growled

"Well considering what's going on it's only right"

"It's only a little set back in life not the end of the world"

"Jack think back to when you started your shit to now it is the end of your world well almost if I tell Samantha about your little trip to France to meet you know who last year"

"How do you know about that"

"While you were digging around in my life I was in yours, if it wasn't for me that story would have been published"

He looks down at his arm and fiddles with his IV and sighs intensely. I instantly knew what was going through his his head, what he was going to say

"What do you want" he growls again

"It's quite simple, not hard at all really" I grin

"Out with it!" He almost yells

"Why so fiesty you're acting like I'm taking your woman or fucking her in front of you"

"You feel so confident, so lucky don't you?"

"No karma is just a bitch to you and so am I, I want you to feel what I felt"

"What do you want little boy"

"last I recall I'm more of a man than you and not just by age" a mischievous crept on my face as a sense of superiority washed over me

Now I understand why he liked being egotistical.

It felt good

But the power over that woman isn't what I want

"I want you to leave Samantha alone, cut all ties"

"I have a kid with her I can't do that"

"So do I which gives me a right to be around her but that's not on my call it's hers"

"Leave her alone and I won't tell her"

"Fine I'm out"

"Great see you in court bro"

Comatose (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now