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"what makes you say that?" I already knew Jack's opinion about her but it didn't matter. She's my beautiful angel and is going to stay with me

"I heard you both yelling about me, he doesn't want me here or likes me" she still doesn't bother to share at least a glance as she detailed her flowers

"Jack and I had a simple misunderstanding so when the time I told him about you was already off" I lied

"Oh please I grew up with enough lies can't you just not start now" when she finally looks up at me her eyes dilated. Focused on me I thought but she started looking everywhere else before strongly gazing into her picture. She puts down her pencil and stood up from where she was seated on the floor. Just like that she rushed out the room.

"Ruby" I called out to her but she doesn't stop. I followed behind, hot on her tail but stopped when I see her going into the garden in the backyard. I peeped from behind the sliding doors and saw her practically implant herself within the pink roses. She does nothing but sit there and gaze at the necklace she's been wearing for years since she came to WG. Before I could even attempt to go talk to her I was pulled back inside by my arm causing me to wince in pain.

"Oh  my gosh I'm sorry I didn't mean to do it so hard"

(that's what he

"wait I know I'm heavy handed but I didn't" as she spoke she started pulling my cardigan off my shoulders. Emily's eyes widened at my bruised arms. She grazes her thumb over my bluish red skin and I wince at the slight pain my arm still gave me.

"We will talk about this later but there's someone at the door" I simply nod and make my way to the front door. Opening I saw his distraught. His face restless and Panicked.

"Derek what's wrong?" I say as I closed the door behind me

"If you don't mind I really need someone to talk to right now I don't know what to do" his voice carried the same emotions his face did

"Ok let's talk"

We caught ourselves grading the streets, taking in the easy rays of the sun 

"I have another daughter" he says lowly

"For who, when, a boy or a girl?" I started bombarding him with numerous amounts of money questions obviously in shock 

"Stassie" he says as he stuffs his hands in his pockets

"I'm confused"

"We had twins and one fetus survived her overdose...her parents kept it a secret...she kept it a secret. They gave her up for adoption. Samantha I could have raised her...I her father!"

"She wants me to meet her"

"What do you want to do" I asked unsure of how he should approach this

"I want you to kiss me" his voice broke

"Please...I know I hate her because that's what I want but I know there's something else and...and I don't want to feel something else just remind me that there's someone other than her!" He was past tears and all I could do was hold him. I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same, burying his head in the crook of my neck.

"You know I can't but I will promise to be around and you have to promise to always accept me"

He said nothing else but simply hummed his answer


Ruby was locked in her room and I couldn't get her out, the twins were cleaned up and knocked out cold in the living room with mom, Sammy, Em and An, so it was just me.

Me: I wanna go out you up for it

Derek: what just us

Me: I trust you

Author's Note/

sorry for the short ass chapter and my tardiness but hope you enjoy and I'll make an update if not tomorrow then as soon as possible past that

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