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I sat next to Jack looking at his eyes as they were set intrigued at the show. He looks at me with saddened eyes reading my expression

"I feel like I'm about to ruin it all when I tell you this"

"How could you"

I couldn't bare myself to tell him so I simply showed him my phone. No words could express how terrified I was at this moment because I knew I blew it then to now. Bottom line was that Jack sensed something and I didn't, I bypassed it.

"And you blame yourself?" He asked carrying an emotional structure that I couldn't read

"I slept with him...I did that petty whore shit" I groaned as my head collapses into the palm of my hands shamefully

"Babe if I had to point fingers between us I'd blame myself because I pushed you to it"

"He was here, I went out with him today" I confessed

"You're back in 1 piece aren't you?" He joked as he tangled his fingers within my hair

"Jack he's out for us and it makes me not trust my friends anymore because Stassie is playing me for a fool"

"Whatever they throw at us we throw it back harder ok" I nodded my head in agreement and held his hand for comfort

"I love you" he says sweetly

"I love you too"

"Ok it's night time and you promised me something" he said killing the bum mood and made it as joyful as possible

"Ok ok go put on the outfit I have laid out in our closet" he ran upstairs while I walked to get ready

"I thought we were getting fun time"

"We are but after" I smirked as I stripped myself of my clothing and went to have a shower. Jack went in after I did. I wanted him to because I wanted to watch the show. Have you not seen the abs on this guy. Time passes and he looks like someone pealed him out of a magazine and slapped him in the earth's surface. And then to see him in a tux, Lord my man hot as hell and I thank you.

As soon as I was done with my makeup I held my dress up in my hand loving its blood red shine. I pulled it up with ease and looked at myself in the mirror only for Jack to noticed to come help me zip up the back. A light smile appeared on his face as he intentionally run his fingers along my back sending waves of pleasure through me. he zips up the dress slowly yet still leaves his hand to linger on the part of my back that was exposed

"Why are we all dressed up mi amor?"

"How nice of you to show off the Spanish you learned off of Dora" I snickered looking down the ring on my finger to distract my brain from being turned on right now. I smiled to myself before we walked out the house and into the car. I was surprised I was able to drive with the gigantic frills there were to the bottom of the dress.

I looked over to Jack who I made sure was blindfolded and wasn't peaking it was more than an hour drive but we made it.

"I'm going to guide you so listen to the sound of my voice" I instructed and immediately walked him into a pole

"Um can I take this thing off now because I feel like I'm about to die" he groaned as he held his forehead from the pain


We walked a few seconds before I took his blindfold off to reveal to him where we were. We were surrounded by our friends Johnson, Dejeah, Kelsey, Madison, Cameron...well those were the friends that could make it. Stassie was here as well but I'll talk to her later. Of course my babies were here

"Mommy...daddy!" Adalee and Sierra squealed as they ran towards us

"What's all this?" Jack asked as he held Adalee and I did Sierra

"Our engagement party"

"You're getting married next weekend bud no excuses" Cameron grinned excitedly

"Congratulations big bro" Stassie squeals as she opened her arms to hug Jack

"Can you not touch me" Jack said with disgust intertwined in his tone

"Um ok don't wanna cripple the tux got it" she laughed

"Stassie you should leave" I said calmly


"For being so dumb and letting Derek back or how about lying to both Jack and I"

"But Kelsey was in on it too"

"But she didn't sleep with people to get what she wanted she wasn't going to go through with it, she's an easy situation to deal with but you...the words I'd like to call you if Sierra and Adalee weren't here" Jack said with pure disgust and shame

"Don't contact me or my family if you continue screwing your life with Derek"

"So you blame us for not keeping your legs shut how much of a bimbo are you...I did this for you"

"Anastasia get this through your thick skull I never wanted you I have a happy life"

"You know this means war not just for you but for you Kelsey for shutting me out...if my part failed Derek will have his way and once he does I will too" she babbled and on that note she left

Jack looks at me mischievously but his smiled held an innocent playful touch

"Fun time" he asked

"Fun time"

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