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Sam's taking the kids today and should be here any minute while I'm hanging out with Derek.

I know I know I shouldn't be getting closer to him but I just feel like something might happen. Not between us, no but in general. He came back for a reason and I know for a fact that his priorities haven't changed.

Don't get me wrong I feel bad for him because Jack did him wrong but something about their whole story is messed up.

If you guessed it then you're right

I don't trust Derek at all

Don't tell me you thought I did

Derek almost Raped me that's enough a thought

I kissed him and I liked it but it doesn't mean I like him or I want him

Does it?

I agree Jack deserves payback

Derek deserves justice in this case

And I need facts to bring me justice

Stassie needs a little push and pay

All of Jack's secrets are laying in front of me and they all hurt like a bitch but to be honest you can't help who you love. I can't.

Derek can't either. I know for a fact that he still cares for Anastasia. I could see it in his eyes. I know that look because I had that same look for Jack

But not when I look at myself in the mirror I was ashamed. I was ashamed for loving an alcoholic

Jack just needs help

He's obsessed with power and alcohol and power doesn't go so well together

It was about my turn to input my plan

Derek's POV

When Samantha told me she wanted to meet I was overjoyed. Finally getting somewhere

I'll admit she's beautiful and an amazing person but some things like making Jack hurt the way I did.

I liked Samantha because she's helped me forget. That's all I really needed. To forget.


Samantha's POV

"Thanks for meeting me I really needed to get out for a few"

"No problem"

Sudden silence

"Are you ready for your girls trip?"

"I kind of don't want to go anymore"

"What? why not?"

Time to bring out the spark

"Derek we both know Jack's going to prison he won't be able to pay half the amount in time I don't want the father of my children to go to jail, I don't want them to grow up without him" I suddenly let the water works out

"You let me go to jail" he hummed under his breath

I pretended I didn't hear it

That immediately told me something was wrong

I mean I didn't know Derek to be Sierra's father till years after but something still felt off

"I'm going to help him pay it, I'm going to cancel the trip and say he made part of the payment"

"Don't do can't do that"

"Why not?" I cried

I'm trying so hard not to laugh right now

"I don't know whatever it's your decision" he sits back deep in thought

"Just go on your trip at least"

"About that um Stassie isn't going with us...She told me that she actually slept with Jack and I don't think that girl is your daughter"

His hands folded into fist. They turned pure white the harder he held. He lets out a heavy breath before calming down.

"I don't care"


"The matter at hand I don't think you should pay attention to Jack anymore you're helping him in his ways the More you do" he sighs "look I'll see you later ok"

"Where are you going?"

"I need to think"

"Are you saying you can't stand me so you're leaving before I can ask you to dinner"

"I'm confused" he sits back down

Got you right where I want you

"Derek you were right that kiss did mean something to me but I thought what of my family found out then they would hate me and I would be back to square 1 with them not knowing me"

"I only want to help Jack because I don't want Adalee to be without him, it's like you and Sierra except she doesn't know"

"I guess I'll pick you up at 8"

When he left I called Dejeah...

"Wassup chick" she answered

"Feel like scheming with me"

"Always" she squealed excitedly

"I'm on my way home meet me there"

Author's Note//
Sorry for the short chapter. I promise to make it up with a long juicy one after

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