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Samantha's POV

"I can let her come over right now and let her explain it's not like her and Jack would waste 5 years of our relationship" I say in obviously tone as I spoke to Johnson and Dejeah.

They came over as soon as they saw the post and to make sure that I was doing ok. I wasn't bummed because I've learned to not jump to conclusions with things from the past.

I was excited to go out and spend the day with my friends and kids but Dejeah doesn't want me to leave until Jack comes home with an explanation, keep in mind it's been 3 hours since we found out.

"I told the girls I would take them to the candy store and that's what I'm going to do so you both can sit here and wait the day out I don't care" I held up my backpack and swung it over my shoulder and walked towards the door with Sierra and Adalee running behind me. I opened the door not looking where I was going and bumped into someone. When I looked up there wasn't a bit of shock or surprise that peaked me.

"Can we talk"

"You should be talking to your wife Cam if not you can join the cheater theory inside I have things to do" I said without giving him a second glance as I walked to the car

"Madison and I aren't together anymore we got a divorse 3 years back we didn't want anyone to know" he mumbles loud enough for me to hear hoping it would make me turn around but it didn't

"We only live together because of Sky but I'm planning on leaving soon"

That got me...

"You plan on leaving your child behind?"

"Can we talk about this?"

"Get in" I let out a breath that I didn't notice I was holding in as we got in the car and I started driving to the knew candy store that opened down town. Car rides always made Sierra and Adalee sleepy so they were out in 5 minutes tops

"Why the spilt?" I spoke up

"No spark" he simply said

"You didn't tag along just to say no spark I swear if this is what you interrupted mommy daughters fun time I will leave you on the damn freeway" I growled

"She told me we had no spark and I agreed so once we ended it she told me she had feelings for someone else"

"Ok she's honest what about it" I asked now confused a bit

"She said she had feelings for her best friend"

"Still confused"

All Madison's friends are girls I would include Johnson but he's on his own roll with Kelsey I think and all the old Magcon boys have girlfriends and lives

"Who does Madie talk the most you can't be so blind"

"I'm trying to be nice to your intruding ass over so cut to the chase"

"Madison likes Jack again!" he blurts

I admit I knew about them talking because she needed advice from Jack seeing that he can understand her and Cameron. She's been with Jack longer than she's been with anyone so I put it past me

"Well he's married so she can suck my dick if she'd like" I barked rudely

"I don't think she'd cross that line or you but I thought you should know"

"I appreciate it thank you now where can I drop you off"

"Are you serious!"

"Yes it's mommy daughters fun time not mommy daughters and Cameron plus you're gonna wake my kids up with all your obnoxious yelling"

"Take me to my sister's please I need to get Sky"

"Bitch do I look like your fucking uber your sister is a whole mile away from where we are now!" I whisper yelled

"come on" he begged and pulled to the side and unlocked the doors"

"Are you seriously leaving on the side of the freeway" his tone covered in disbelief

"You people give me problems and a migraine" I rolled my eyes annoyingly and pushed him out"

"Byeee" I waved and drove off

Let him think I'm mad this is just payback from prank wars he started last week.


"Go take whatever you like just stay where I can see you" I told Sierra and Adalee as they ran off to fill their hearts with a butt load of candy. Since Jack was supposed to be here his credit card will replace him and make up for it with a shopping trip

"Beautiful just like their mother I see"

His voice rang through my ear and sent chills through my body. Seeing him face to face always sent me over the edge. He worried me with the things I know he's capable of. But I simply play it off.

"Hey Derek"

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