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Stassie's POV

I haven't been around any of my friends except Kylie because she wanted to talk about our recent mission is what she says but she just wants to hide from Travis. His birthday was close and she's barely holding it together attempting to hide his surprise.

Ok forget about them and let me tell you of how our mission went down. Since Jack's been MIA for the last bit of it and couldn't share his evidence Kylie was somewhat helpful which only brought things into perspective for me. It made me see that I've been hiding our daughter from Derek. I know you thought I killed my kids. Well it's what I was planning on doing but I guess one didn't take no for an answer.


"mom my breasts are still leaking" I tell my mother as I squeezed my breasts 

"honey its going to be like that for a while"

"you've been saying that for a month and just like the 2 months you've been saying my morning sickness would go away" I looked up glaring at my mother. I was sitting in my bathroom on the floor because I just puked my intestines out. I was going over the aftermath of my miscarriage and let's just say it hasn't been easy not just in school with a belly that refuses to go away but with the fact that Derek's not talking to me, neither is my dad because he's 'oh so disappointed' I don't know why because he banged up my mother when she was my age 16. Besides that I have no friends I could cry to every night because they preferred people like me well let me say 'whores like me' their words not mine to be alone.

"I think we should go to the hospital" my mother insisted as she poked at my belly


"Anastasia it's a pleasure to see you again" Dr. Logan chimes eagerly

Dr. Logan has been my doctor since I was 3. She was making jokes like the nice lady she is, I found her funny because she had my name and I insisted we were twins. She was young and gorgeous, the sunflower to a burned down, ashed forest. Her hair pitch black that reached above her butt, her eyes an ocean blue never to be missed.

"I see your tummy isn't going down is it" I shook my head no

she lifts my top up over my stomach and starts to poke around. Her eyebrows furrowed with confusion written all over her face

"I think an ultrasound is needed" she sighs

"why?" mom asked

"there's no baby in there I past the egg out on my monthly just like you said I would" I assure her

"we don't just use ultrasounds for babies Stas" she laughs but obviously was more than uncomfortable with the answer she knows she might have. I can feel it

she pasted the gel on my stomach, it was cold at first but I got over it. She scans my stomach and her eyes widen. I didn't know shit because it's a black and white screen with dots.I don't understand how people see those things.

I looked over to my mother and she had the same look as Dr. Logan

"what?" I asked

"wait, wait, Stassie did you say you pasted out one egg?" Dr asked

"yes, why, what's going on I don't understand" I was more than panicking

"Stassie you were having twins which means you should have passed 2 eggs, she were able to pass because they were small enough and should have in a week"

"its been 3 months" my mom buts in

"Anastasia you're 3 month pregnant"

ok I'm done with life

Derek's never going to take me back

my dad will disown me then force my mother to disown me


"calm down baby it's gonna be ok" my mom says as she holds my hands, I hadn't realized I was hyperventilating

I looked at the screen once more before I looked at my swollen belly and passed the hell out.

1 week later

"mom I'm tired of hiding I wanna go to school online school is biting my ass"

Well a week has passed and guess what I'm living on my own. My dad said if I was gonna raise a kid I had to start living life the way it is. So I got an apartment and a waitress job nearby. It's been easy because no one I know ever goes there so the embarrassment isn't happening. I dropped out of school so basically I was now a nobody. I only have myself and my parents inn my corner at least it's what I thought before I found out my parents are giving my baby up for ADOPTION!

9 months later

"mommy will find you later ok" I say to my beautiful baby girl as I handed her over to Dr. Logan to take to her new family.

"listen you are allowed to go back to school to finish your last year but you are not allowed to speak of this ever" my dad threatened

I was sure as hell wasn't going to because I know what I did to him. My dad almost lost his presidency of his job because of me. The listed rumors he had to lie about

end of flashback

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