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Samantha's POV

I open my eyes but immediately squinted them to the powerful rays of the sun that shone through the white curtains of Jack and my room. I looked up at the white ceiling then at the rays shining through the curtains. I let my hand slide to the other side of the bed like I do every morning looking for Jack's hand. He's always up before me so he waits till I'm up and when I am he'll take my hand in his and we'd plan our day together. It's really fun because we get to work from home since we decided to create our own company. Jack wanted music and I wanted to help kids who went through similar pasts like mine. We created WG. I was looking foward to today because I had big plans except the only thing that's in my way well I should say not in my way is Jack.

My hand patted his side and felt nothing causing me to turn around.

No Jack

I sat up scanning the room only to find a note on his pillow

I hope you don't hate me too much for missing our morning meeting I just went out for breakfast. Don't be mad ok...I love you


I guess it's just me. A sudden draft hit my chest and then I remembered the wild night Jack and I had. Another night to remember. After I finished my shower I checked my phone to make sure anything important had come through but the only thing that was off was the amount of times Madi had spammed me. You know after all these years I still can't believe I'm best friends with my fiance's ex girlfriend.

Madi: Cam has Sky at his parents       today wanna go for a run or something

Me: yh sure I'll be over in a bit

It's not weird that she lives 30 minutes away...it's quite fun actually when all the others abandon me sometimes. The twins can play with Skylar. Skylar has only a year difference between Sierra and Adalee so they get along great. The only thing that worries me is the fact that sometimes Madison pops up unannounced, more than Dejeah I might add and it gives me a vibe, one that I can't explain.


We did 2 hours of running and were now sitting in the park sipping on our waters and looking at a dog trying to catch its tail.

"Cam and I have been going through some things and I don't think we're gonna make it" she blurts and immediately covers her face and groans aggrivatedly

"What?" I say in disbelief. Other than myself and Jack Madison and Cameron are the only ones that have long lasting relationships.

"He's not around anymore I'm not there he's not there there's nothing there at least I think for me"

"Have you spoken to him"


"Well smart ass how will your problems be solved how will your questions be answered" I inform as I got up and started walking letting her follow behind. I was never in the mood to hear Madison's problems, don't get me wrong I don't mind helping but it's like she doesn't have a mind of her own sometimes.

We walked towards Madison's car then decided to get coffee before we left from the cafe across the street. We walked in and I couldn't help but bask in the aura this place was giving. It was zen a calming home vibe how have I not noticed this place. Madi and I went straight in the line and were up front in no time with the amazing service. We ordered and were headed to the door in no less than 5 minutes. I only stopped because I notice a familiar jawline.

His hair messed up in the air on lapping on his forhead almost in his brown eyes. He was wearing his favourite 'I love Nebraska' t-shirt and black basketball shorts and his slides on his feet. My eyes trailed to the familiar brown haired girl but not recognising the girl next to her at an instant.

I walked up to them and Madison happily stayed behind.

"How's breakfast babe" I grinned evidently the worst liar right now.

"Hey Sammy" I watched as Jack's right ear twitches and he scratched the back of his neck nervously

"Hey Sam" Stassie's eyes glistened nervously hoping for me to acknowledge her but I don't instead my eyes to the girl who had a had and sunglasses on

"Hi" I said putting my hand out for her to shake

"Hi Samantha" she takes off the sunglasses and looks me in the eyes. Her full lips made her look like a doll and if anything else her eyes did as well, yes they were brown but it didn't seem ordinary.

"Hi it's finally great to meet the great Kylie" I smiled back a genuine smile. What? I have nothing against her

"What are you doing here?" Jack butts in

"Its a cafe Jack what do people do at cafes" I rolled my eyes obviously irritated that he didn't tell me that he's out with Stassie and Kylie. I mean Kylie has a whole man and a kid and a great life but Anastasia is who I don't trust. I shouldn't care because Jack's dick is forever mine wheather he likes it or not but...coocoo cluts is over here messing with them criminal minds and wanna torture my family who may I remind Jack when I get home is also him because it seems he doesn't get the memo. "I went for a run with Madison since I was home alone this morning"

He looks down disappointed but whatever let him think I'm mad it's fun

"We should hang out" Kylie hypes

"I would love to"

"You can bring the twins to play with Stormi later and let all the grown-ups sip on some wine" Kylie's eyes lit up excitedly as she spoke. Why does Kelsey not like her she's freaking adorable

"I don't mind but hey I gotta go Jack I'll see you home"

Jack's POV

Yeah I'm fucked

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