doesn't love hit hard

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The later it got the more nauseated I felt. I had no idea what I'm doing but I'm doing it anyways. I feel like getting away for just one second, just to feel, just to see, so I can be ready. Be ready for what? I don't know. I couldn't wear anything sleeveless because of my tender arms but I settled for a white, long sleeved turtleneck, black, skin tight, ripped jeans and white heels which I soon replaced for my black and white checkered Vans. I had my backpack on had my phone, keys and purse in it. Once I was ready I went out to the Mercedes and left.


"where the hell are we going?" Derek laughs nervously

"we both seemed to want a bit of cheering up so I thought we could hang"

"thank you but that doesn't explain anything" he glares playfully

"you hungry" I asked ignoring his point

"yeah I could eat"


We were sitting outside a nearby beach cafe and were enjoying each other's company. We talked about everything else but our problems as if they never existed. Like we manually knew we didn't want those problems to exist, we left it out. After dinner we strolled along the beach till the cafe and the car were distant. Sitting on the sand and looking at the diamond of a moon glisten against the water was the most peaceful and calm thing I've felt and seen this week.

"I'm not going to see her" he suddenly spoke up

and I immediately knew what he was talking about

"I don't know why yet but I just feel as if it's better this way" he finishes

"it's ok but-"

"no buts Sam that's it, I'm not going back. The last thing I need is to ruin someone else's life like I ruined my own"

"Derek, you didn't, you simply chose the wrong paths and all you need now is to learn and I see you have grown" I reassure him

Derek has done some messed up shit but I know he's not a bad person, well it's what I gathered from the new information. He's been either taken for granted or mistreated.

When I finally looked away from the water and at him he looks me straight in the eyes and smiles. He's getting better.

I leaned my head on his shoulder low-key trying to get warm because this top wasn't doing me any justice.

"want my jacket?" he asked as he took it off and was already wrapping it around me before I could answer. His fingers lightly grazed my arms and I flinch. Hoping he didn't feel it, hoping he thought it was just my body shivering from the cold.

Derek's POV

When she flinched I knew it wasn't coldness. I felt the gears in my head turning and my eyebrows furrowing. I carefully raised her sleeve and found a blue black bruise that was slowly fading into a simple red, signs that it was getting better. I took my jacket off her and rolled up the other sleeve showing an alike mark.

"who did this?"

"why do you think it's a who?" she giggles pretentiously

"because they're on both arms and have fucking hand prints Samantha...who did this to you!"

My voice raised hoping it wasn't who I thought it was

"he was drunk ok!" she hurriedly pulls down her sleeve and pulls up my jacket over her shoulders, soon hugging her knees and burying her head between her knees and chest "he didn't mean to" sh mumbled

"we both know I of all people should know that's wrong so what's the difference with him, that's not an excuse Sammy" I tell her as I wrapped my arms around her

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