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Samantha's POV

"It's late I know but you busy?" It took everything I had not to drag this boy off my property. It took everything to play nice

"Not really I just finished packing we leave in an hour" I said as I checked my watch

"Can I come in"


"Sure" he comes in and we go to the living room

"What's this about?"

"Nothing I just wanted to see you is all" he gave me a toothy grin as he scooted closer to me

"Derek" I drag

"What" he asked as if he wasn't doing anything

He suddenly leaves no space between us and rests his lips on the crook ig my neck

"Can you stop"

But he doesn't

"Little boy did you not hear me" I stood up and faced him with my arms crossed in anger

What? He's acting like a child I had to say it

"What I thought you wanted this you got rid of Jack so we could be together"

"I sent Jack away for the benefit of his health and his family"

"I love you"

"What the hell you smokin"

"I'd rather be high off that pussy of you calm your ass down and share"

"Derek if you start this we are never going to be friends and you're not going to see Sierra ever"

I think I'm moving to fast I can't do anything drastic but he started this shit

"I'm sorry...I..I just thought we had something" he apologised

I say down next to him and took his hand in mine

Keep it calm Samantha

"We do I just it's too fast for me" I pour but not to the extreme like a dog or a cartoon with a quivering lip

"I wasn't thinking" he sighs

"I wanna make up for lost time over the years and get to know you eventually I'll say it I promise" damn I should be an actress

"I guess I'll leave you to it" he hugs me before walking out the door


I go upstairs thinking Jack would be in the guest room but instead I heard the shower running in our joined bathroom in our room

I walked in and felt weak at the knees at the sight of his wet body

Thank God for glass doors

"You prefer to stand there or get wet"

Mama wants to get wet

He laughs as I hurriedly took off my onesie revealing my naked body. My underwear and bra were somewhere in the kitchen floor I'll get it before I leave

I hop in the warm shower with him and let the steam cover us.

At that very moment I felt like a teenager again well if I had that 'sneak a guy in the house without your parents knowing' experience

One minute we were kissing enjoying each other's taste when the next one of my legs were up over my head and he-

Ok no need to know that


We had just landed in Venice and were on our way to the hotel we were staying at. Ruby's eyes were in the water since we got here

"That's where we're going tomorrow after lunch" I tell her and she looked as of she was about to explode

When we got up to our room it was simply beautiful. I don't think beautiful was enough to cover amazing it was. It was elegant and simple. Even I was overwhelmed by being in Italy because it's my first time. The room we were staying was a 2 in one so I could be close to Everyone. As we were unpacking some stuff I noticed there wasn't any towels in the bathroom

"I'm gonna get towels at the front ok be good"

"We will" Sierra Adalee and Ruby said in unison

"I was talking about Dejeah" I said and she puts her hands over her heart and pretends to be hurt as she looks at me in disbelief

"Yeah you" I glared

"Sis I'm a certified N.A it's expected" she shrugs

"What's N.A?" Ruby asked

"Naught aunty" she grins

I rolled my eyes with sarcasm

"Don't you roll your eyes at me sweet pea"

I walked out the elevator and to the front desk.

"Hello again can I have towels there weren't any in my room" I tell the lady. She stood tall and proper for her possibly 5'3 height. Her neatly pressed uniform clung to her sleek thin yet thin body. She looked around my age mid twenty. Who am I kidding I passed mids next month I'm turning 28. But she seemed 23 or 25

"I'm so sorry we'll have some up in the next 10 minutes just tell me your room number"

I told her the number and I couldn't help but gaze at the magnificent detailing on the ceiling.

Beautiful history and renaissance sculpted

"Beautiful isn't it" she interrupted

"Very" I answer in complete awe

"This place is one of the oldest in Italy's time. I enjoy working here since I was a teen"


"It's just a love hmmm why don't I take you out on a tour"

"I would love that but it won't be nice to take you away from your job"

"My shift actually ends in the next hour so meet me at this room five minutes past" she hands me a piece of paper with the room number and floor

"Oh I'm Ocean by the way and you are" suddenly her tone changed she was still jolly just there wasn't a native accent anymore

"You're American?" I said a bit shocked

"Blood and all"

"I'm Samantha"

After a little more chit chat later I finally leave the front desk. I walked back to the elevator

"Hey hold it hold it hold the door please" I yell towards the person in the elevator

I ran as fast as I could almost crashing into the guy

"I'm so sorry about that" I said but when I looked up I wished I hadn't apologised

"No need to apologize it's always a pleasure to bump into a beautiful woman such as yourself once in a while"


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