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Samantha's POV

"Jack Finnegan Gilinsky put on some pants"

"No Willy needs to be free"

Jack had his shower over 20 minutes ago and refuses to put on his pants. He's been walking all over the house naked. I don't know if he believes just that the twins are at Johnson's means he can take their role and act like a big ass baby

"Dejeah's going to be here to borrow my heels I explained this to you" I threw a pillow at him but he only growled and glared at me

"You have to fix me this is all your fault" he blamed as he held his hands in the air defensively and looked down at his boner

"I didn't ask you to shower with me" I rolled my eyes playfully

"Well I didn't ask you to scrub me with a loofah or talk dirty to me babe"

"Jack Dejeah's going to be here any minute and I have to go get more stuff for the house"

"Fix me please" he begged looking as if he was about to cry along with a tantrum

"You have hands don't you"

"Yours are better"

"How about this you Jack off no pun intended and then later tonight I give a little surprise Sierra and Adalee won't be back till tomorrow evening so wake up and have a round 2 and you also have to go do my shopping" I bargained knowing he won't be able to resist my surprises. He hasn't been able to for the past 5 years we've been together

"Give me 20 minutes" he sped towards our joining bathroom and slammed the door shut. As if on Q I heard Dejeah yelling my name downstairs.
This is why I wish I hadn't told her where the spare key was. I went downstairs with the heels in hand to meet my pushy bestie.

"Bitch I've been calling you for an hour"

"Sorry my phone's on silent and Jack's been a handful whole morning"

"Whatever just give me those sweet things" she rolled her eyes playfully as she stretched her hands out like a kid begging for candy but once they were in her grasp her expression weirdly changes

"Everything good?"

"Um...yeah I'm nervous about my date is all" she's lying

"Still on for Jack's surprise later though"

"Of course" fun fact Jack and I didn't remarry after we divorced and I was planning to propose slightly recreating our wedding but a bit better

"Ok get out I haven't had alone time for a while and I'm thinking about a long soak in the tub"

"Have fun playing with yourself babygirl" she joked referring to our helpless gay friend Stassie

After that night Stassie kissed me at that club and went MIA she's been getting a lot of hateful comments

Her and Johnson don't even talk anymore he doesn't hate her things just changed. The guys that walk up to her only want threesomes and the girls aren't her type

"Get out my house" I joked

"Jack I think you should too" she says as she looked behind me causing me to turn around to see Jack staring at me

"I swear if I don't get a relationship like you guys I don't want shit" she sighed before waving

"You want me to leave so you can play with yourself and you don't want me to watch" he says in a questioning tone

"Get out" I said but he ignores me and wraps his arms around my waist and leaves bliss kisses down my neck

"If I were you I'd watch my little friend" I smirked while he lets go quickly and left without a word. As I was about to walk up the third stair there was a knock at the door.

"Can't a girl catch a break" I groaned unenthusiastically

I sighed opening the door and immediately shut it. I blinked rapidly feeling as if I was imaging him

"Come on babygirl I just wanna talk"

"Go away" I almost begged as my phone pinged I ignored it and opened the door with my eyes barely opened afraid to look at his face. For a second I didn't have to because my phone was going off. I took it out my pocket to look at it and noticed that it was only Jack spamming me calling me babe and asking if I wanted a bag of hot cheetos, it wasn't just that but I noticed a very disturbing text from Kelsey as I only thought her name she called

"I'll explain later but I think Derek's going to your house!" She yelled

"I know I'm looking at him"

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