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Jack's POV


Yeah I saw the news and wasn't shocked by it, after all it's my life but I needed to stop what I can before I get my ass in deeper shit.

"I know you want Derek back it's obvious and I want to ease things up with Sammy and I"

Stassie was here this morning not get knowing what I'm about to ask her. It's a 2 in 1 deal I know she won't resist

"Jack there's nothing to ease you messed up" she rolls her eyes

"Yes there is...I know what her mad looks like and she hasn't reached there yet, she may be disappointed but not mad"

"And I know you want Derek and I know he still has feelings for you, you both can start over away from me"

"I'm not meddling Derek can do what he wants"

"O please" I couldn't help but laugh at how dumb she looked

I wasn't going to bring this up but she left me know choice

"I'm sure you already told Derek about his 20 something year old daughter"

"How do you-"

"I have my ways but why don't you tell him it's my kid see how he reacts tell him the truth that we actually slept together"

"I'll admit you were dumb back then and still are now, you confided in me when you both were on the rocks and what was it again you were on the pill with him and not me"

I tried to remember as much as possible last night so I won't get nurse Logan involved because Stassie and her are close and I wouldn't want to ruin that.

I was going to continue but

"What do you want me to do" she sighs

Samantha's POV

I knew I was getting a late morning in bed because the girls woke me up at half 11 in the morning to watch a movie. This twin thing was sometimes on my nerves because it's like they planned this then woke Ruby up to join.

Late morning is what I thought when I heard knocking at the front door.

Can't a woman get some sleep around here!

Walking downstairs with sleeping legs was painful. I felt like I was about to fly head first down the stairs.

I opened the door and there stood a woman about my height, long, jet black hair. Her face beyond beautiful and her body slim thick.

"Hi I'm looking for Samantha Wilkinson"

"That's me can I help you"

"Um...I'm Ryn S'Nclaire and I'm from New York"


I was fighting all urges to slam the door in her face and go back to bed but something about her was intriguing

"I thought it's about time we met and talked"


"Your husband" she said nervously as she tried avoiding eye contact

"I'm sorry but I have 2 needy twin daughters and they'll be up any moment so if you can just cut to the chase" I smiled lightly and she sighs ready to rant

"And I have a son for your husband so I think we'll have to take this talk slow" suddenly confident struck her. It was quite obvious because she was suddenly standing straight and was making eye contact

Comatose (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now