Make him pay

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I looked at my fists then his face then thought

Was I really talking about her?

Yes its her, who else could it be

I looked down at his distorted face and for off his now unconscious body. I stood over him thinking. Just thinking. Jack was a sorry excuse for a man, a father and a person. I probably thought it a million times today, for the night but it was true he is.

I walked away

Yes I walked away from him leaving him there on the ground hoping the elements would suffocate him. Make him feel what it's like to be left behind.

I drove away not looking back once. When I reached my bed. My body succumbed to sleep and I was out like a light and slept like a baby

Samantha's POV


I woke up with every bone in my body aching. This morning the house felt dead. Other than no one being here there wasn't the usual vibe roaming around the atmosphere. It was sulky, gloomy, it felt like a morgue, it felt like someone died.

My mom and sisters have to catch their flight back to Nebraska later which means I'll have the girls back later. But I don't want to be in this house anymore it all hurt so bad.

Walking to the shower I looked at myself in the mirror and was ashamed. My eyes held never ending bags you could probably stuff Stassie's ass in there. My face flushed and pale, my lips couldn't bare a smile my hair looks as if I've hit old age overnight. It was easy for someone to take away all you know in just a few minutes. I stripped myself of my clothing and that's when it all came down. Niagara falls was coming from my sounds dumb but that's to show that I've never cried this much in my life.

My stomach and ribs bruised, my wrists every part of me was bruised.

I guess it was long sleeve and dress pants for me this morning

When I felt the warm water hit my body I saw my whole life flash before my eyes and that shit hurt more than what he did last night

I was so damn blind

It wasn't long before my thoughts took over but before I reached far enough bringing me back from sorrowful thoughts was the sound of my phone ringing. Running to it like a snail because I had no care in the world for anything anymore.

"Hello" I answered

"Hello good morning I'm calling for Mrs. Wilkinson Gilinsky" the last spoke as she sounded as if she was reading from a paper trying to figure out how to pronounce Gilinsky

"This is she"

"Hi, I'm nurse Carlisle and I'm calling from Southern California Hospital at Hollywood to inform you that your husband has been in an accident and was found to the side of the road. We have contacted the police and would like for you to be here as quick as possible well if it's possible" she spoke worriedly yet sweetly

"Give me 2 hours" I sighed and hung up

I blew out my hair and tied it in a messy bun and dressed in a black long sleeve turtleneck sweater along with black dress pants and black ankle boots.

Taking my purse and phone I hopped into the range and it brought back memories. I think I should get it painted over because this pink thing isn't working out. Or maybe I should sell it and get myself the G wagon I've always wanted

I stopped myself from pushing start and sat back

I don't want to go by myself but I don't want any of my friends to find out about last night

Suddenly I don't know what I was doing but he's been up to date and I needed options and opinions so I called

In 3 rings he answered

"He Derek you free today?" I asked nervously

"Yeah why?"

"I'm coming to pick you up" is all I said


We should be on our way to the hospital but we were at Sonic getting breakfast so it would give me time to think before I saw his face

"I can't help you I you won't tell me what happened last night, I need full perspective"

I sighed and told him everything that happened last night from beginning to end where he came over

"Leave him for dead" he says blandly

"I know you obviously still feel for him what female wouldn't for the father of her children but he's beyond hurt you and you see I but still denying eyeball facts"

I laugh a little as she shoved his tater tots in his mouth

"Look this isn't about you anymore it's about your kids he hurt you in front of them he pushed your daughter"

"Make him pay"

"I'm not the revenge type" I sat softly

"Making him pay goes 2 ways mi amor, his broke ass pays the fees and since he can't leave it to state and see what happens"

"He'll go to prison"

"Samantha you've hidden this from the board for 2 years they'll check funding soon enough and Jack gets away with ripping away your dream"

He had a point I had no other choice. It sounds easy but it hurts worst that it sounds. Everything Jack owns us under my name except his jeep, and his old bank account that only has  $100 on it

I can do this

I was doing this on my own financially so I can still do it I don't need Jack but my kids do. They need their father they shouldn't have to visit him in prison but so be it. Time is gonna bite him in the ass so is karma

"I'm telling the board" final decison

A big smile appeared on Derek's face happy about my decision.

When I told the board it wasn't long before they sent an email saying Jack would be sued or thrown into prison for treason, fraud, all of the above because apparently he's been signing on my name from the credit card things I don't know about. It was a close call almost losing my job in an hour process but when I get to that hospital Jack Finnegan Gilinsky is no longer my concern

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