date night part 2

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Samantha's POV

Ever since I've met Derek it wasn't hard to figure out that he prefers to be dominant. He prefers the world to be spinning around him and I found that if it doesn't gd tends to let out a few things. Like when he had to pay for dinner tonight he gave me plenty more proof of him being the one who framed Jack.

I stand outside waiting for Derek with Jay. Jay and I were just having a normal coversation wanting it to look like we were getting pretty friendly. I found out that he's in collage actually and he's from Ohio. The plan was to have a girl as the waitress but things happened but the train's going on another track, hopefully it works out.

A little more waiting and there he was walking over to us sulking

I put on a face and pretend to be mad at him

Time for lesson #1

"I came to apologize to both of you"

"It's ok honestly because I know I was quite rude but you should treat your significant other with respect. I understand that there is always doubt but you shouldn't go to others and act like a dog you should work it out you were a total prick back there so what are you going to teach your daughter to be with a prick like you or your son should I be a prick like my dad" Jay said and I look at Derek to the corner of my eyes

His head is lowered from embarrassment and shame also he knows what Jay is speaking is the truth

"If you'll excuse me I have work to get back to...I'll take a rain check on that wine but when you come to the restaurant again" Jay says as he runs backwards into the restaurant

The was a bit of silence that I couldn't handle plus we needed to be on our way to the wine cafe

"Still feel like wine tonight" I ask him and he smiles nervously

"It's ok honestly you tried to give me the best night possible but sometimes things go differently"


Here we are at another expensive place that he would be spending money at. For your information in case you were clueless I didn't actually pay at the restaurant before. I was actually called there a few weeks ago to taste test their food as family friendly and show that I aprove. The family that owns there they adopted 2 boys from WG and I guess in time before I became a celebrity for being Jack's wife and being the pratical owner of the world's #1 adoption agency. I help them and it's something where I won't ask for anything in return. By adopting they boosted ratings so I guess they helped in a way

Anyway enough talk

We're sitting at a window seat enjoying view. I always did enjoy this place. Unlike the other place this was actually a place I knew. Jack would take me here every Valentine's or whenever I was stressed with work though he stopped a few years like exactly 2 years and I started bringing Dejeah every Thursday and Saturday. Everyone else was always so busy. But the more I see it some of them just didn't want to. Johnson had his own timing with music and stuff so he had the pass but everyone else poor excuses

Wow how could I not notice this before

After ordering we actually started talking but he mostly brought up Sierra and Ruby.

It wasn't hard to tell why. He figures if I move with him he'd have his so called daughter and the fact that Ruby wasn't even mine strikes up something easier.

Suddenly the classic iPhone ring was heard throughout the cafe from my purse. I looked down and saw the hospital's number.

"Excuse me I have to take this" I tell Derek as I walked outside

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