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Last night at Kylie's was great. The twins made a friend but I don't think having Sierra around was a good thing. Sierra was a little bit bossy well a bit more than usual and it wasn't nice at all. I gave her good talking to when I noticed she was about to smack her sister.

I figured before I met up with Delany I'd have myself a good breakfast so here I was sitting at in-n-out. It was as early as 9am and I told Sammy that I was going to the gym which is not so much of a lie if I'm going there after I meet up with Delany at wallmart. I was doing this alone because Stassie is MIA and Kylie is busy with her own life. I was texting my sister Molly about the family flying over to meet us next weekend when I got a message from Madison

Madison: hey are you free

Me: for now yeah...why

Madison: Can we meet somewhere it's really important that we talk

Me: I'm at in-n-out

Madison: k see you in a few

I sat around waiting for Madison for a good 30 minutes. When she arrived she looked out of it, she looked distraught. She sat in front of me and gave me small smile that held welcome yet worried messages.

"You have 20 minutes" I said looking at my phone

"Cameron and I aren't working as we should" she says silently while twisting the end of her hair

"Then see a therapist or some shit"

"I can't do that it's something so minor and I know you can help me"

"Madison you married and had a child with Cameron Dallas not with me none of this is my problem go call one of the girls and gossip about it"

"I know you can help me because we went through this same problem together we figured it out" she practically begged

"What problem?"

"When I felt like we didn't have a connection anymore"

"Not we you" I clarified

"That's the point I don't think my feelings for Cameron anymore"

"Then tell him"

"I can't because it's who I have feelings for that won't help" she panicked and it was our past all over again, it was her all over again and it's not going to end well

"All I can tell you is to calm down Cameron and I are 2 different people which mean different can't keep coming to me for your problems you're acting like it was only me in the relationship dealing with our problems I mean it kinda was but that's besides the point. Pull up your big girl panties and talk to the guy" I said as I got up to leave and she followed my actions

As I walked her towards her car I couldn't help but think of all the recent times she called asking for advice. The strange thing about it most of it was the simple things she should know. She doesn't even want me to tell anyone because she's afraid.

She buckled in and was ready to go

"Thanks a lot I appreciate the help"

"Madison I beg of you let this be the last time I'm being your therapist" I sighed

She smiled a small genuine smile before putting her hand out the window to flip my hat off and ruffle hair. I reach into her car onto the dashboard and grabbed a stick of gum

"Big girl panties" I glared before I left causing her to laughs


"Sorry I had to make you tag along on my shopping"

"Its ok I get to meet the legendary Jack Gilinsky my brother spoke a lot of you"

"I wish I could say the same"

"We're not here to talk about my relationship with my brother so spill"

"Derek and Anastasia what do you know"

"I never liked them together not as friends or as a couple because she always found a way to hurt Derek"

"They were together"

"It was a long time ago actually they met at a party, a one night stand turned into every night and day of needing each other long story short the got together and believed that all there was, was partying, showing off that they were the hottest couple and the best of sex. They were happy no matter how toxic their fights were, how many times they were on and off they knew that one belonged to the other vice versa. One night they went out for drunk and things happened. Stassie got pregnant. I only found out because she came over to tell him but he wasn't home, she was in the phone panicing to someone about it and she said she didn't want it. When Derek came home she didn't say anything so I ratted her out being the obnoxious little sister I was" she paused and laughing at the memory

"She thought he would agree to get rid of the baby but he wanted to keep it so she settled with keeping it. One day after school I went into the bathroom and heard someone crying. The familiar voice made me look in and it was Anastasia she was half unconscious and frothing at the mouth. I called 911 and she went to the hospital. I remember the doctors selling her out 'she was here last week asking for an abortion' when she woke up her parents argued with her for not telling them they were understanding they came out and said that she was ok. I remember Derek asking about the baby. The look on his face said he was beyond repair when they told him Anastasia's overdose killed the baby. She couldn't have the abortion so she decided to overdose" she said the last sentence to herself still in disbelief after all these years

"She killed my niece or nephew" her voice crumpled behind her throat as her eyes got swollen from anxious tears

"I'm sorry"

"I hated her for hurting my brother she's sick a damn psychotic"

"I really appreciate you telling me this-" I started almost afraid of what I was about to say but before I could my phone started going off like crazy

I thought it was just Samantha but it was all Instagram and Twitter.

I opened Twitter and couldn't be more freaked out, angry and done with helping people.

The headline pushed me over the edge

"Jack Gilinsky's side piece of the week"

"Jack Gilinsky's side piece of the week"

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His last words were panties. We wonder what wifey has to say about this relationship that's been dug up. Don't think she'll be too please will she Jack

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