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He looks at me with a toothy grin and I wanted to slap that shit right off his face. Why this little white boy over here thinking we good? Did he hit his head or something? I looked at him from head to toe and realized he still carried that whole f-boy demeanour. That whole 'I can take yo bitch' kind of look and it irritated me. What irritated me the most was the fact that he was just there staring at me. Only I deserved that right because this ass believes he has the right to come onto my property and talk to me.

"What if Jack answered the door?"

"I saw him leave moments ago"

"So you stalking us now should I call the police or...?"

"I'm surprised you haven't by now" he smiled nervously

"Why are you her?"

"To see you" he looks down at his feet hiding the fact that he's trying not to look at me

"Cut the shit why are you really here?"

"Can I come in?"

"I can be civilised by kicking you in the balls than shooting your ass before the police get here"

"Still fiesty I love it" he smirks while biting his lip while I only rolled my eyes not in the mood and glared

"I take it you're not joking?" He laughed nervously

"No Jack took me to a gun range 2 years ago for my birthday and I'm a licenced shooter and guess what I love the hunt"

"I just wanted to apologize, to see you and to start over so can we talk"

Knowing Derek, I know he wouldn't stop until he gets what he wants, I know in the end it wouldn't be me but I know he had therapy so he'll get a chance to apologize but not friendship

"Starbucks?"he questioned

"Yeah sure follow behind me" I said as I took the car keys to my Range Rover then stepped outside locking the door. I didn't want him near my house because in this neighbourhood people are kind of selfish the main reason I wanna get out. I didn't need to change because I was already in appropriate clothing as in Jack's hoodie and leggings. I left my flip flops in the car so I was good.


We were sitting in Starbucks in an awkward silence I couldn't care less because I was sipping on the most amazing caramel frappe ever.

"I got therapy"

"I heard" I said giving my phone the most attention

"Well I'm ok now and I want us to start over, I'm sorry I treated you like an object and intervened on you and Jack's relationship I mean you're still going to hear bad things about me but I want you to believe me when I say people are trying to put me in a bad place especially your friends stassie and Kelsey"

"Apology accepted but I don't want you near my family"


"Don't call me that" I barked "what did Stas and kels do to you"

"Nothing...I just think you're hanging out with the wrong people"

"You're the wrong people Derek"

"Oh wow just great you're back" her voice rung through my ear, her tone tranquil but irritated I don't know why but I somehow knew she'd be the first to find me

"Nice to see you Kelsey" Derek said knowingly lacing his tone with annoyance and poison

"Feeling is not freakin mutual you walking hazard" she fumes before her twitching, barbaric eyes looked my way

"How'd you find me?"

"Find your friend app I installed and disguised it as a math app" she says quickly before she shook her head aggressively remembering what she was about to say "you're lucky I didn't tell Jack"

She only looks at Derek once more before she scuffed and yanked me out the building

"Where's your car?" I pointed to the end of the parking lot and we made our way over without a word said between us until we got in

"You pretty dumb fuck is your brain working!" She blows

"Yes it is"

"Wrong answer, it's freaking not because warnes you about this psychotic mad man that's coming to your house and you decided to be one of those dumb bitches who always die first in horrors and went out with him" she yells at a rapid pace not taking a breath

"I-" I started but she cuts me off

"Bitch do you want to die!"

"Sis I'm fine calm down I can handle myself"

"Sammy I know you can but that man scares me and to see you get hurt again scares me I mean you can go ahead and die so I can have them sexy ass Louis Vouiton heels but you're like my sister, I know Dejeah will fight me for it and that girl scares the shit outta me" her face was serious at the last part causing me to laugh

"I won't tell Jack let's forget about it, it never happened"

"How's it been with Stassie" I asked knowing her and Stass haven't been at the best lately

"With her rich bish bestie Kylie"

"Well you got me right I wish we could hang but it's Jack's night and he has his surprise later"

"It's ok Johnson can keep me company"

She's blushing

Is she blushing?

"You and who now?"

She looked out the window then down at her phone

"What's bothering you other than the fact that you wanna give Johnson your cherry bomb"

"Its nothing, not import"

"Of all people, you Kelsey Calemine is attempting to lie to me" I laughed sarcastically at her poor attempt in lying

"I know why Derek came to see you"

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