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Jack's POV

"Ok Jack I want you to start with how you felt when you started cheating on Samantha"

Here I am sitting in front of a doctor in what feels like a prison uniform. The past few days of the session was great except for when I had to dress like a big ass baby and dance in front the other patients. I probably looked as I was constipated or was having a seizure. That's to tell you how bad of a dancer I am.

Anyways Dr. Dick

No for once I'm not being sarcastic

He doesn't have a bad personality he's simply chill and laid back

His actual name is Dr. Brandon Amal hardindick but on his door and name tag it's simply Dr. B.A Hardindick or Dr. B.A Dick.

"The first time it happened I was drunk and hooked up with my ex who happens to be close with Samantha. Honestly I felt really bad and guilty but it all lead me back to all the mistakes I've ever made to hurt her especially the recent ones"

"And what are the recent ones?"

"I took money out of our company's account and sponsored drinks at a bar, I cheated in the past, I almost got us killed and I pawned her off as my personal slut when we first met...oh and not to mention but I basically had our son killed"

Maybe not but it feels like it

"And who is Ryn to you?"

"Ryn is a woman I got pregnant 2 years ago"

"Do you love her?" That's some sort of question

"I'll admit I do feel something because it's her I wanted to run away with"

"What do you mean run away?" Cliche ass psych

"I felt like I wasn't good enough for my Sammy so I wanted to take her stress away which was me. I figured if I left she'd have it easier"

"Did it ever occur to you that your decision may seem like abandonment for a new family to your daughters in the future?"

"I felt like they would be better off hating me"

After a few more minutes of a depressing walk down Jack is a fuck up memory lane it was time for my nap. Yup I have a nap time. I have to go through therapy for my mental state and rehab for well drinking



After Jack went to his sleeping chambers with Dr. Dick he was told to take these pills. It was for the first timr tonight Jack had seen this colourful little capsules. After he downed his medicine with water he was told to lay down for his nap. Dr. Dick and the nurses leave Jack's chambers and locked the door behind them. That was also a first, it was new for the routine. They never locked the doors until today.

If you thought about it, it is quite worrying because the hospital would lock the doors to the unstable. Dr. Dick goes to the front desk and asks to schedule an MRI. When he goes to his office he closes the door leaving him in a room with just himself and his thoughts.

He would have to cancel dinner with the Mrs and the kids tonight because of the new information that he had theory of. He sits at his desk and doesn't elliminate the theory of Jack being mentally unstable. It was obvious that he was but why. Making lines into words that night until he was able to saught out the right answer to Mr. Gilinsky's situation. Dr. Dick rolls his swivel chair to the right while he sat in it and pressed the button his office phone to the front desk.

"Melanie please contact Mr. Gilinsky's wife and schedule a meeting as soon as possible please" his tired voice went through the com and he got back an immediate reply from nurse Melanie at the front desk.

"Sure thing sir" she said and that was the end of that. All night Dr. Dick saught through pages and spun in his chair as he writes on his white board making sure that he was right. With that long equation he found the simplest answer.

It was quite simple really but he couldn't be sure without that MRI. He couldn't wait to prove his answer right so he immediately found a free MRI to do his research. Jack would be up in the next hour so all he had to do was wait. Unfortunately for him patience at work wasn't quite his thing but he pulled himself through by playing old fashion knight and Dragon with his swivel chair as his brave stallion, his little paper bin as his helmet and a metre rule as his sword. He would often play this with his sons on weekends to fill their fantasy land. His boys loved Mike The Knight so it was just imagination to fill in the blank

1 hour later

As Jack's body laid in the machine the doctor felt like dancing on the ceiling after proving that his theory was correct.

Jack Gilinsky was.....

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