Madison? Again?

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"Mommy who's that staying here" Adalee asked as I tucked her and Sierra in for bed

"A little friend, you remember her name?" I asked her

"Ruby" she giggles

"That's right and I need you to be good little mariposa si"

"Where's dad" Sierra spoke up as Adalee instinctly reached her hands in Sierra's hair and then hugs her as if they were in the womb. Sierra has her own bed but no matter how tough she seams she still neeeds her best friend

"He's out" I kissed them on their foreheads and left to check on Ruby

I knocked on the door but no answer so I opened it slowly. The bed was still neatly made and the room just the way it was before she set foot in it

I opened the joining bathrom thinking maybe she was brushing her teeth but nothing. I suddenly heard a strange sound coming from somewhere in the room. I looked into the only place I hadn't, the closet. There she was curled up on the floor.

"I'm scared" she admits

"What about?" I asked but she doesn't say anything

"Want to watch a movie" her face lights up but not too much and she takes my hand. We sit on the bed and I turned on Netflix.

"You can choose while I get us popcorn"

"Ok" she gladly takes the remote

I walked downstairs and my head shot to the big clock hanging over the entrance of the kitchen


Damn that late already

Where are you Jack?

"Funny how you still worry about him as if you just became a couple" I turn around to see my big little brother Samuel in his favourite Nebraska T-shirt simular to Jack's and spongebob pajama pants

"I don't want to think that something's wrong I'd rather him be mad at my response to our argument when I'm right and he knows he's wrong"

"That's new" he said knowing Jack and I don't have arguments we usually just do playful banter or if it was petty we'd fix it in no time.

"He hasn't been pulling his weight with the company and has been meddling"

"Derek thing"

"It's more Stassie now"

"That's not good is it"

"I don't care anymore he can do as he pleases once it doesn't mess up our marriage or hurts the girls"

"With Jack you know you have to take charge but you always back down, Jack's not going to the source because he knows he won't get anything out of it but I'm sure if you do"

"I wanna adopt Ruby but I don't want her mixed in the aura"

"Build on it" was the last thing he said before he took a bottle of water out the fridge and went back to his room. By the time I want back to Ruby she was already asleep. I tucked her in and went to my room to finish off the popcorn.

I cover my legs with the blanket and snuggle into the buttload of pillows there were on the bed. It would be comfortable of someone hadn't started spamming my phone

Cammy Cam: come get your manz out my house please

Every time someone says to come get Jack there's only one answer...he's drunk. It's been years but I remember what it's like.


"He's lucky Skylar is with my parents" I looked around at Cam's apartment and it was almost in pieces. My gosh Jack.

"I'm sorry" I say sincerely

"Just get him out of here"

"Nooo I don't wanna go" Jack slurred

"Come on dude no slumber parties" Cam tried pulling him off his couch but he won't budge

"Nooo if I go she'll breed mad at me" he scrunched up his face as if he was about to cry and closed his eyes but laughs

"Jack I'm already mad that you won't get up" I say as I join in on pulling

"Sammy's not gonna like what Jack did. Jack didn't mean it but he was sad and she was there" he frowned

I immediately let go of his arm and stood there looking at him that's all I did

"Who was there"

"Uh oh...I told you mommy's mad" he giggles

"Who was there Jack" I was already fuming. I swear if this fucker says he cheated I'm going to bash his and his bitch's head in a fucking wall

"The pretty lady that dropped me off"

"M-" Cam was about to say something but Jack rushes over to him and covers Cameron's mouth with one hand at with the other he puts a finger on his lips

"Shhhh don't tell her do you want me to die" Jack glared

"Better you than me buddy" Can says behind Jack's hand. He pulls his hand away and sighs.

"Madison dropped him off"

Comatose (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now