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Derek's P.O.V

"It seemed unfair but then I got feelings for you" I wasn't lying to her. Every word I said was the truth. I didn't want to let anything hold me down. I've been trying to move on for years and it's only the part that lets her believe me can fix it.

Jack took something from me, Stassie took something from me then I took it all from myself.

"Thanks for the truth it really put things into perspective" I can see her eyes focused on the pictures she had on the walls, she's focused on him.

"You ok, you didn't seem ok when I got here" she breaks her focus and looks at me. Her lips part but only closed back. Contemplating of to tell me or not.

She's not ok

"You can tell me" I persist

"Jack got drunk old time drunk and he...he cheated on me with Madison" she's looking at the ring in her finger in disbelief

"You know we're supposed to get married this weekend and on top of that he doesn't want me to adopt Ruby" her voice raised at the last part

"Tell me about Ruby"

"She's the sweetest little girl once you get to know her, a bit rough around the edges but it doesn't take away the fact that her eyes make you want to get to know her. Her eyes are the ones that make my day. They were a fascinating shade dark greys. Her hair's made of long black unruly curls that she refuses to comb her curls were a description of her"

"If she's unruly how did you get around to her"

"I don't exactly know but when I talk to her it's like we both open to what I don't know...I already feel like she's mine"

I couldn't help but laugh at the parts that she couldn't figure was too obvious but she's blinded by ignoring past

"She's like you, you cling to her because she's like you and you know what you went through so you didn't want it to play out that way for her" I explain and a little chuckle left her lips

"I say go for it you're not just helping her but you're helping yourself"

At this point we were sitting on the floor. Her head on my shoulder and the quiet. Distracting the passionate with the things they loved always worked. She didn't need to worry about Jack. Let him worry about himself.

Jack's POV

"Madison I swear you are the worst thing to I have ever come across in my life besides Derek but God right now"

"I never told you to drink"

"Well you never said you liked me"

"That has nothing to do with it's not like I'm obsessed with you I'm just thrilled to have you around better than how we were before"

"Jack I'm sorry but it's obvious that we did something wrong and it should never happen again...we were both upset"

"I know I'm sorry I messed up"

"All you can do is talk it out with her and see what goes hope you're getting married this weekend"

"I told her she can't have something she really wanted so I don't think I'm getting married"

"Ruby" she smiled

"Yeah...umI need to go"

"I can't believe you're that dumb" she says as I reached the door

"What?" I asked confused

"You're denying her"

"Who Ruby?"

"No dumbass Samantha...she feels a connection with this child because she sees herself in her think about it. She's been posting her and the twins she's already accepted Ruby"

"Forget about her she's something minor"

"I was trying to help but ok" she shrugs "you'll just lose to Derek again"

"What?" I say in disbelief

"They've been hanging out"

"And you didn't think to tell me this"

"I thought you knew...forget I said it then again he has changed and is better"

I don't know why I was panicking

Maybe it was the fact that he could say anything to ruin what's already cracked. I'm surely not getting married.

Samantha's POV

"He thinks I don't know he sneaks out"

"What is he 16?" Dejeah sighed

"Jack is an alcoholic and I accepted that yesterday he hit me he cheated it's the way it is"

"He what!" She stood up in disbelief making me realize what I just said

"Please don't tell" I begged

"Jack is not only taking you for a fool but he doesn't realize how serious his responsibilities are"

"I don't know what to do anymore...he goes out in the middle of the night gets wasted and comes back before I wake up making everything seem as if nothing happened. I let it slide because I know being a parent is stressful and he'd want time to himself but what I saw what I felt-"

I was confessing to Dejeah what had been going on for the past 2 years that no one knew about and I was feeling a bit better. My sisters went to the mall with the Sierra,Adalee and Ruby while my mom wanted to go have a day at the spa. Something about mama bear time.

"Then what do you want to do?" Dejeah asked as she layed down on my lap and was playing with the ends of my hair like a baby.

"I'm not getting married and I'm not going to live with an alcoholic"

"That's a big move"

"We're living as a couple so it's easy just send him to rehab"

"Why the sudden jump just talk to him"

"I'm not going to babysit a grown ass man D, I've spoken to him more than enough times and he knows after that hand he laid on me things need to change"

"You sure"

"I'm sure I'm sending Jack to rehab"

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