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Alexandra didn't expect her brothers to bring Harry Potter back with them when they snuck out in the middle of the night. She knew they were gone, and knew they'd get in a lot of trouble, especially when they didn't come back by morning. The boys seemed to underestimate the time their mother woke up. She was sitting in the kitchen with her breakfast, a prime seat for the drama that would unfold as soon as they came back. And she was right, it was dramatic. But she didn't have much of a stomach for hanging around with them. She tried to head back up to her room when she saw the stray her brothers brought back with them, but George noticed her first.
"Alex!" He grinned. It was a small win on her part. With the exception of Ron, her family had agreed to stop calling her Alexandra.

"You're really in for it, you know. Mum's furious." She said.

"Oh come on. Bat those pretty little eyes and help us out, would you?" Fred pleaded.

"You know mum would do anything you asked."

"No, she wouldn't."

"You can't still be bitter about not going over to Hermione's, can you?" Fred frowned at her.

"You're going to Japan. Of course mum wants to spend as much time with you as she can." George explained.

"And besides, you have that mirror thing. You can talk to her whenever you want."

"Wish you'd let us take a look at it, though. The magic behind it's pretty impressive."

"You two would break it. No thanks."

"You're going to Japan?" Harry asked.

"In April. She's going to be at Hogwarts until then." Ron told his friend as she stood up to leave. "Aren't you going to finish your breakfast?"

"Lost my appetite." She shrugged.

"What a surprise." She heard Ron mutter and quickly ducked out, heading to her room. She'd given Hermione the other mirror and they'd used it to talk all summer.

"So what are you going to do at Hogwarts considering you don't need to go to Hogwarts? You're excelling all the classes they have available." Hermione asked. With nothing to do, Alexandra decided to talk to her friend.

"Dumbledore said I should go to normal classes and I can try the normal DADA class if I want. But if it's too dull, Snape can continue my DADA tuition."

"I like this exchange semester idea. And you don't leave until April!"

"I know. I like it like that. And if Mahoutokoro is as good as I hope, I could continue the school year there." There was a knock on her door and Ron barged in.

"Can we borrow your magic mirror to talk to Hermione? Percy won't let us borrow his owl."

"No way. Find another owl. I'm talking to her."

"Just let Harry say hi."

"Go away, Ron."

"Five minutes, please?"

"No way. I'd sooner trust the twins than the two of you."

"Really? You can be there the whole time. Please."

"Get out, Ron. I'm not letting you get your grubby hands on my mirror." She could see Hermione's disapproving stare, but ignored it in favour of kicking her brother out. "I'm serious, Ron. Get out of my room!" He rolled his eyes and left.

"I still think you should let down on him. He just cares about you."

"I thought you were on my side."

"When have I ever encouraged you not to talk to Ron?" Hermione asked ludicrous. "And besides, I know everything and I don't hate you. Why would you think your family would?"

"Hermione, you're different. You're too nice and way too naive."

"I'm not naive. You're just very pessimistic."

"You're too optimistic."

"You don't give anyone a chance."

"I gave you a chance."

"I forced you to give me a chance."

"It was stupid of you."

"I don't know, I got a magic mirror out of it. Seems like a good decision."

"You have to be nice to Snape this year."

"I am nice. He's just very rude."

"I'm very rude."

"You're not a teacher. And you're a much nicer person than you think."

"Take that back." She scowled.

"Yeah, you really are. You're very sweet." Hermione laughed at her look of disgust. "I won't lie to you."

"I hate you."

"You love me. So, any letters from a certain Hufflepuff?"

"Charlie's written to me a few times."

"You know I'm not talking about Charlie. And I know. I've been exchanging letters with all of your dorm mates."


"Don't change the subject. Didn't you hang out with Cedric? Go flying on the school brooms."

"Let it go. I was just trying to distract myself."

"And Cedric's distracting?"

"Stop it!"

"Answer my question. Have you written to him?"

"He's sent a few letters."

"You're smiling."

"No I'm not. Shut up!"

"Yes you are. You're trying to hide it."

"I think your mum's calling you, H."

"No she's not. Have you written back to him?"

"No, why would I?"

"Honestly, you act as though you don't like him."

"I don't."

"Not even as a friend?"

"You're the only friend I need." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"You need to write to him."


"Fine, I will. I'll just say it's from you."

"He'd never fall for it."

"Wouldn't he?" Hermione wasn't above anything when it came to Alexandra, and they both knew it. The Weasley glared.

"Don't do anything, Hermione."

"Then write to him yourself. Next time his owl delivers you a letter, send one back to him."

"Or, I could let Ron and Harry borrow the mirror to talk to you."

"That's okay. I don't mind writing to the boys."

"I'm still not writing to Cedric."

"Then I have my work cut out for me."

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now