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Unfortunately, her stint in the hospital wing didn't erase Alex's detentions for hexing Malfoy. A shame really, because if he didn't stop acting like such a pompous git, she was sure to hex him again. She was yet to talk to Snape, too, and she wasn't sure she wanted to. Still, she trudged down the cold corridor to the potions lab. Malfoy wasn't there yet.
"Miss Weasley." He looked up slightly in acknowledgement.

"Professor." She greeted.

"I trust you're feeling better?"

"Thanks for the potions."

"You're welcome. Take a seat, we will wait for Mr Malfoy."

"You're angry."

"No." He lied, though the fury was clear on his face.

"Yes, you are. I know you used legilimency on Hermione." He didn't respond. "I know I did a lot of horrible, unspeakable things-"

"You are not the subject of my wrath, you dunderhead." He said, his voice low and frustrated. "Alex, you were taken advantage of, and it was not your fault. Do you hear me?"

"Yes sir." She replied. It was clear by the tone of her voice that she still didn't believe him.

"You're a child. You should never have been put in that position, or have had to endure what you have. I am not angry at you, and I most certainly do not blame you."

"I still did bad things. Even if you and Hermione don't blame me for a thing, the truth is that I did. And I'm never going to forget that."

"And I truly am sorry for that, but I think you should try to forgive yourself at least." He stopped and looked behind her. "Mr Malfoy, come on in." Alex turned and saw Malfoy at the door. He sat a seat away from her.

"Please don't tell me I have to work with him again, today."

"Yes, and this time you'll be sorting potion ingredients." He put a tray in front of each of them. "And when you're done with these, there's more to sort." He gestured to mountains of trays, each stacked up extremely high.

"Yes, sir." She said, and Malfoy nodded.

"I'll be back." He said and left the classroom. Alex frowned for a moment before realisation hit her.

"He keeps leaving us together because he wants us to learn to get along." She said.

"That's never going to happen."

"I know." And they sat in silence, both working separately. She thought he might bring up the hospital wing, make fun of her like he did behind her back last year, but he didn't. She figured he was probably afraid to get hexed. They ignored each other until Snape came back, two hours later.

He looked disappointed, even though they'd gotten through quite a few of the trays.
"You may go, I'll see you tomorrow at three." He said. "Miss Weasley, headmaster Dumbledore would like to see you after dinner."

"What, why?" He simply raised a brow. "Right. Of course. Fine."

Alex was anxious at dinner. She ate with her housemates, looking over to the staff table where Snape and Dumbledore sat beside each other.
"What's wrong?" Charlie asked.

"I'm supposed to see Dumbledore after dinner."


"Long story." Alex shrugged, pushing her food around on her plate. A minute later, Hermione was squeezing into the seat behind her.


"I am." Alex said, making a show of cutting a rather large piece of steak and shoving it into her mouth.


"Aren't you going to eat?"

"I had to leave my plate behind to make sure somebody would actually eat for once."

"Here." Alex picked up an empty plate and piled some food on it, setting it down in front of her.

"Thanks." Hermione said and began eating.  Alex continued pushing her food around on her plate and Hermione chided her. "Just because you took one bite, doesn't mean you stop eating."

"Stop acting my mother!"

"Stop acting like a child." Alex stuck out her tongue. "What mature behaviour for a thirteen year old."

"I'm eating, H. Go back to coddling Ron."

"It's comments like that that make him think you hate him."  Hermione said, ignoring Alex's attempts to push her away.

"Go away." She watched Dumbledore stand and exit through a door behind the staff table. She'd never noticed a door back there before. A few minutes later, Snape left too. Probably to Dumbledore's office. She didn't leave. She took another bite or two.

"Do I have to force feed you?"

"I've had more than enough, H. Don't push it."

"I suppose half a plate's better than nothing." She admitted grudgingly. She looked around the table. "Where's Cedric?"

"Quidditch practice. They practice all through dinner on Thursdays."

"Oh, do they?" Hermione's tone was teasing, and Alex blushed. "Funny you should know their schedule."

"Don't you know Harry's quidditch schedule?"


"Well, he's your friend, so you should." Alex defended. Hermione opened her mouth and she stuffed a piece of bread into the the Gryffindor's mouth.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now