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"Wait!" Alexandra called once she was out of the library. Cedric was a couple paces ahead, and didn't seem to hear her. She groaned but jogged a little faster in an attempt to catch up to him. "Cedric." She wasn't very far away, and was certain he'd heard her but he still didn't stop. She finally caught up to him and stood in front of him.

"Oh, hi. What are you doing here?"

"I'm not a monster. I'm not going to make you miss your Hogsmeade weekend."

"So, what was all that?"

"I don't know." She shrugged. "I guess I just wanted to see if you'd actually skip your Hogsmeade trip."


"I don't know, why are you smiling?"

"It's not very often you let people see you have a heart."

"Shut it."

"I'm just saying. For someone adamant that she doesn't care, you're-"

"I don't care."


"I just always follow through on my promises." He just continued smirking, as though he knew a secret she didn't. "Let's just do this."

"I thought you said no bludgers!" Alexandra yelled, as they targeted her. Cedric looked panicked as one almost knocked her off her broom. It seemed that only one had been freed.

"I didn't let it out!" He called back.

"We did." Fred and George waved up at them from the ground. Alexandra muttered some pretty harsh insults under her breath as her brothers joined them in the sky.

"You weren't going to play without us, were you?"

"It was kind of the point." She retorted, ducking to avoid the bludger again. She grew annoyed and pulled out her wand. "Immobulus." The bludger fell down, motionless.

"Alex-" Cedric started but stopped, unsure of what to say. Especially in front of the twins.

"Game over." She said. She let out the barest of smiles. "Happy birthday." She shrugged, before flying off. He grinned after her, before turning to the boys.

"Did you have to interrupt?"

"You remember she's our sister and not yours, yes?"

"I'm definitely aware of that."

"Why definitely not?" George asked.

"No reason."

"You're a rubbish liar." Fred smirked.

"Why are you here again?" He asked, the tips of his ears tinged red. They shared a smirk.

"Look at you, getting all flustered." He flew away from them, heading to the ground, but they followed.

"Hey, birthday boy. Have you got anything planned?"

"Getting away from you, for one."

"Well, we need to talk."

"For the last time, I'm not spying on your sister for you. We're friends now, and she hates it when I do that."

"Look, it's important. We know she hates us, but two years ago, she wasn't so distant."

"Now we're lucky if we get two words out of her."

"Look, I don't know why she doesn't want to be near you guys, but I don't think it's cos she hates you."

"Then why?"

"I don't know."

"Has she told you what happened? Where she was?"

"No. And even if she had, it's not my place to tell you. That and she'd definitely kill me."

Alexandra didn't have a particular destination in mind when she flew off. Her only direction was away from the twins. And so, she somehow found her way to the forbidden forest. She settled down in a clearing, her legs taking her deeper into the forest. She came across a unicorn herd. She couldn't see the unicorn she'd saved amongst them. She stood a few metres away, content to watch them be. One trotted over to her, cautiously as though to determine whether or not she was a threat.
"Hello." She reached out, but the unicorn skittered away nervously. She dropped her hand. "Sorry." Without warning the entire herd began to flee. She heard a noise behind her, but didn't move.

"Timid creatures, unicorns." Magorian said.

"You again."


"Don't you centaurs hate humans?"

"You are but a child. Innocent still."

"I assure you, I'm not innocent." She huffed and tries to walk away.

"You seem lighter than last year."

"I don't see what business of yours it is."

"It's not every day a child witch saves a unicorn from certain death. You intrigue me."

"Stop calling me that."

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Back to my room."

"Not likely. It's getting dark, and the forest is dangerous enough during the day."

"Then I'll fly out." She said, getting on her broom.

"You could do that." He said and she hesitated. She expected more of a fight on that.

"You can read the stars." She stated.

"Yes." He looked up to the sky. Not that any stars were visible yet. "You wish to ask about your future."

"You once called me his heir. But you can't have seen the past."


"How did you know? When you read the stars, it's not just the future you see, is it? I mean, unless my future involves more time with him? Am I going to have to see him again? Am I going to have to leave my family?" Magorian didn't answer. "Right. You can't say. Secrets of life and balance of nature."

"Or I simply don't have the answers you seek." He said, looking amused. "The stars can't predict details of your future. I can achieve glimpses, and sense discord amongst the stars. You have a hard life ahead, young one."

"Any chance you'll tell me anything more?" Magorian shook his head with a sad smile. "I still don't like you." She told him before flying up into the sky to find her way back.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now