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Almost there, just a few more parts and then we're at book 3 ☺️😊

Cedric was having a nice day. Instead of going to watch the quidditch match, like he usually would, he'd gone to visit Kichiro in the forest. He blamed Alex for that. As team captain, it was his job to watch the competition, but he found himself doing what he knew Alex would have done, had she been at Hogwarts. Going to visit the baby unicorn. He had to admit, there was something peaceful about the forest. He knew it wasn't all like that- that the particular path he took was protected. And he knew that there was a possibility that Cornish pixies might attack him while he was with Kichiro, but he found that he didn't care.

For the first time, Cedric found that Venus didn't approach him threateningly. She did that a lot, and he'd usually have to spend about ten minutes watching them from afar before she let him anywhere near her foal. But not this this time. This time, she just watched him warily, but let him approach. A small win on his part. He'd have to make sure to fill Alex in on that little tidbit.

The nice ambience didn't last long. He spent maybe fifteen minutes with Kichiro, holding up the picture of Alex. She may have been joking about showing Kichiro a picture of her, but it was the only justification he could think of to actually keep the photo. And, it helped that Kichiro responded positively to the photo. That is until Alex somehow appeared on the ground. She was sitting up, her legs spread out in front of her and she was holding her mirror in her hands. Now, of course, Cedric did not shriek, and he certainly did not jump five feet into the air.

"Alex?" He called, reaching out to touch her shoulder. She didn't move. He stood up and crouched beside her only to see she was utterly stuck in place. Petrified. "Oh, no." He pulled out his wand in an attempt to levitate her, but Venus nudged him away, standing in front of Alex protectively. "Really? I thought you were past that! I just want to take her to the hospital wing. Get her some help. Please?" Venus moved. "Thank you." Cedric said. "I hope this works." He muttered under his breath. "Mobilicorpus." He flicked his wand at Alex but she didn't budge. "Of course not. Unicorn power. Okay, guess I'm going to carry you." He said. He hooked an arm under her legs placed his other behind her back. It was rather awkward since her legs stuck out. He began the trek back to the school, being careful to keep his focus on Alex.

He eventually made it. The hallways were all empty, as he rushed down to the hospital wing. He was maybe a turn away when he bumped into the heads of the houses. Snape, Sprout, McGonagall and Flitwick.
"Mr Diggory, what is going on?" McGonagall was the first to speak.

"I found her. Outside." He said. "I think she's been petrified." Snape stepped forward, picking Alex out of Cedric's arms.

"Come along." He said as the teachers all headed to the hospital wing. Cedric was surprised as he noticed two new additions to the hospital wing.

"Hermione?" He frowned. He looked between the mirror Alex held in her hand and the one in Hermione's hand. Whatever did this, managed to affect Alex through a mirror. Snape set Alex on a bed next to Hermione.

"Another?" Madam Pomfrey asked, walking over. "I thought Miss Weasley was in Japan."

"So did I." Snape looked at Cedric.

"She was. I think she was. She just... appeared. Out of nowhere."

"Apparition?" Madam Pomfrey asked and Cedric shook his head.

"She was petrified already. Just frozen. And it was silent."

"I think it'd be best if we go speak to the headmaster." Snape said. "Minerva, you will inform her siblings won't you?"

"Yes, of course."

"And I should write to her parents." Sprout said. Snape nodded before leading Cedric out. Once they were alone, he spoke.

"Where exactly were you when Miss Weasley appeared? You clearly weren't at the quidditch match, or you'd have known there was another attack." Cedric stayed silent. "Nothing to say? Let me tell you my theory then. You were out in the forbidden forest with the unicorns Alex is so fond of."

"You know about Kichiro?" Cedric asked.

"I think you'll find there is little I do not know."

"Alex asked me to watch out for him, to make sure he's okay. Just in case he got ill or something."

"I thought so."

"She really did just appear."

"I believe you."

"Do you know why?"

"I have a theory." Snape's tone made clear that he wouldn't say any more.

"Is she going to be okay?"

"Pomona has enough mandrakes for an antidote for every student in the castle. Alex will be fine." Cedric nodded. "I'll escort you to your dorm, and speak to the headmaster alone."

"I'll be fine. Besides, purebloods aren't being targeted."

"Alex was."

"Maybe the creature senses blood or something. I'll be fine." Snape raised a brow, and Cedric looked sheepish.

"I'm a house head. I'm aware of the locations of all dormitories." He said.

"Oh." Cedric nodded. "Okay."

"There are other things I'd rather be doing with my time, too." Cedric opened his mouth to ask a question, before snapping it closed. They walked in silence. "I must ask that you keep the events of today to yourself. Say nothing about Alex being back and petrified."

"Yes, sir." They reached the Hufflepuff dorms.

"I trust I don't have to take you by the hand and walk you inside." He drawled sarcastically and Cedric shook his head vigorously and Snape turned and walked away. Cedric let out a deep breath and stood for a few minutes before tapping his wand on the barrels.

"We must speak to the headmistress then. Inform her Alex is alive and well."

"I don't think being petrified counts as 'well'." Snape drawled and Dumbledore nodded.

"Of course. And you say she appeared next to Mr Diggory?"


"Already petrified?"


"Interesting. I was under the impression that once petrified, an individual would be unaware of their surroundings. Frozen in that state."

"I had a theory." Snape started. "The ingredients that I used for her potions might have had an adverse reaction to the petrification."

"You should explore that theory."

"I'll try my best."

"And how is the correspondence with Ashburn?"

"Few and sparse. He's interested, but not eager." Dumbledore nodded.

"I shall get a message to Kurata." Dumbledore said and Snape took it as a dismissal.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now