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Alex had already skived off her detention the day before. As mad as she was at Snape, he was still her teacher, and she knew she couldn't avoid him forever. She went down to the dungeons, walking in. Malfoy was yet to arrive again.
"You missed detention yesterday. You are aware they're not optional?"

"Sorry, I just didn't know if you'd try to legilimise me again." She glared.

"That was... probably wrong of me, but I did have your best interests at heart."

"Violating my privacy? You even used Hermione."

"She should have come to an adult."

"So it could get back to Dumbledore? You saw how that turned out."

"He didn't handle it well. I'll make sure you get to go to Mahoutokoro, Alex."

"Yeah, whatever." She shrugged. "It doesn't matter anyways, because he'll tell my parents and they'll never let me go." Snape's expression turned dark for a moment.

"You understand that your parents do need to know, right?"

"I understand that as long as they don't know, they're safe. It's the only thing keeping them safe. I can't protect them if they know."

"It's not up to you to protect your parents. It's their job to look after you."

"And they do. They've looked after me for my whole life and when I went missing, they didn't give up on me."

"You shouldn't have been taken in the first place."

"Yeah, well, Voldemort's scum. That's nothing new. He still has followers no matter that he's barely alive." Snape looked like he was holding back words. "Can we just get on with detention?"

"We'll wait for Draco to arrive."

"Are you going to make me work with him again?"


"Why is it so important to you that he and I work together?"

"Believe me, there may come a day when the two of you will need each other." She frowned, but understood. Malfoy's dad was a death eater. If and when Voldemort rose, he could prove to be an ally. She didn't have to like it, though.

"Yes, because a friendship between a Malfoy and a Weasley makes total sense." She scoffed. "I won't ever be friends with someone who hates muggleborns as much as he does."

"Draco has a lot of growing up to do. Don't judge him for his families ideals."

"It wasn't his family who called Hermione the m-word. Well they probably would, but that's not the point."

"Isn't it?"

"No! Your dad sucked, and you don't look up to him."

"I got the chance. Draco's still twelve, he hasn't been given the chance to make up his own mind. It's hard to shake off your parents' principles."


"And it's hard to see a fault in them when it's all you've known." Alex huffed. "Maybe you can help him see things differently."

"You really care about him, don't you?" She realised. Snape nodded. "Fine, but if he's an arse, I'm going to hex him."

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Alex turned around, hearing footsteps. "Mr Malfoy, good of you to join us."

"Sorry, McGonagall kept us behind late." He said. He aimed a glare at Alex. "What about her? She didn't even bother to show up yesterday."

"Miss me?" She asked and he looked revolted.

"Of course not."

"Behave." Snape warned them both. "You both know your tasks. I have to take some potions to the hospital wing."

"Yes professor." He walked out with a box, no doubt filled with vials. Alex walked over and picked up a tray. After a second thought, she grabbed another and placed it in front of Malfoy. He sneered and started to comment. "Relax. If we can finish the rest of these trays by today, he'll probably let us make potions again tomorrow."

"What makes you think I would ever want to brew potions with you?"

"You'd rather do mind numbing manual labor?" He thought for a moment before nodding.

"Fine." They worked in silence.

"How much do you want to bet he's not coming back for at least an hour?" Alex asked.

"Can you even afford to gamble?"

"Once again, your words cut deep into my soul." She said sarcastically.

"Pretty sure it only takes ten minutes to go to the hospital wing and back. Maybe fifteen."

"Who knows, maybe he's planning on staying for a chat with Madam Pomfrey." Malfoy laughed before stopping himself.

"Just work on your own tray." He said. She rolled her eyes, moving over to grab a new one, having finished sorting her first.

They continued working in silence for ten minutes, each standing up to grab a new tray once they'd finished with their own. Malfoy stood to get another, and noticed Alex almost finished sorting through her own and brought another over to her too.
"Thanks." She said.

"Yeah, whatever."

As predicted, Snape came an hour later to dismiss them.
"What took you so long?" Malfoy asked.

"I sat down for a chat with Madam Pomfrey." He replied dryly, and Alex fought a smile.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now