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"Alex?" The young Hufflepuff turned to see Snape walk into Dumbledore's office. "What are you doing here?"

"Um... talking to the headmaster?" She replied. "I said he could look through my memories and I don't know exactly what he's seeing because they're not up here anymore."

"You said he could?" Snape repeated slowly and she nodded.

"He's been in there for two hours. I'm bored."

"Why didn't you come to me?"

"I didn't want you to see them. Or know anything about this." She sounded a little hazy.

"He's been in there a couple of hours, you say?"

"I think. I don't know."

"And that's not a duplication of your memories he's looking at? Those are your original memories?" She nodded.

"Blast!" He sighed, crouching in front of her. He reached for her wrist and checked her pulse, relieved when he found a strong beat. "I need you to open your eyes for me. Wide open." He said. "No sleeping."

"No problem." She made a show of opening her eyes comically wide.

"Stay here." He said. He headed to the headmaster's fireplace. Using the floo, he disappeared in a flash of green flames. He wasn't long, reappearing in the headmaster's fireplace within moments. He strode back over to Alex, whose eyes were still ridiculously wide open. He sighed. "Drink this." He gave her a potion vial. He also held a balm in his hand. Opening it, he dabbed his index and middle finger into the cream, and did the same with his other hand. He massaged the sides of her temple with the cream for a minute until she was more alert.

"Thanks." She said.

"What was Dumbledore doing taking away so many memories for such a long time?"

"I told him I didn't want to watch it with him."

"He should've duplicated it, rather than let you stay out here without a year's worth of memories."

"It's actually kind of blissful." She shrugged. "I mean, I let him take out the bigger memories. But the small things, like being locked in the room or memories that were repetitive- they're still here." She tapped her head. "I know I don't like those memories, but for now I don't really know exactly what they are, and it feels a little nice."

"It still is very dangerous. Your memories can be locked away or hidden in your mind. But to take away so many memories for longer than a few minutes could have catastrophic consequences." She nodded.

"I'm fine now." She tried.

"You almost lost your head, or didn't you notice?" She shrugged. Just then Dumbledore emerged from the pensieve.

"Severus." He said.

"Headmaster." Snape glanced at Alex. "I think it's about time Alex's memories were returned to her head before she sustains any permanent damage."

"Yes." He nodded, looking his age and worn. He waved his wand over the pensieve and the trail of silver vapour lifted from the basin and followed his wand to the side of Alex's head. She gripped the armrest of her chair tightly as the memories returned with full force.

"Alex? Alex, are you alright?" Snape asked. She managed a small nod.

"Miss Weasley, if you feel up to it, would you mind writing down the names you remember?"

"I did." She said. "It's all in there."

"You're free to leave. I'll write to headmistress Kurata." Alex nodded, edging past Snape with no explanation and left.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now