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"You look terrible." Hermione told her as they worked together in Herbology.

"So do you, but you don't hear me complaining." Alex replied automatically. Hermione looked offended for a second.

"You're being mean, again." She reminded.

"I don't care." She said.

"Ignore her. She's been in a mood since last night." Megan leaned over.

"Am I going to have to guess or will you tell me what's bothering you?"

"At the moment? You." She spat, angrily.

"You leave in a few weeks. You really want to spend that time angry?" Hermione didn't flinch this time. Alex just sneered. Hermione grinned widely. "You remind of someone when you do that. Anata no ojisan." [Your uncle]. Alex looked almost betrayed.

"What is wrong with you?" She hissed in anger, before grabbing her things and moving away to the other side of the room.

"What was that?" Ron leaned over.

"I... don't know." Hermione looked confused.

After Herbology, Hermione sought out her friend.
"We need to talk."

"I don't have anything to say."

"Well, I do." Alex nodded and followed Hermione to the seventh floor corridor. "You didn't sleep in your dorm last night." She started.

"I don't see how that's any of your business."

"Is it the potion? Do you need another? I thought you only needed it once a month or so."

"I'm fine." Alex crossed her arms.

"I was only half-joking when I said you look like him when you sneer like that." Hermione said.

"Stop it! That's not fair."

"What are you talking about?"

"Just don't say it. Please?"

"Why does it bother you so much? I thought you'd already accepted that he's your uncle."

"I have. It's stupid and annoying and I just- please don't say it again." Hermione nodded.

"Fine. What's with you being so mean to everyone around you today?"


"You were awful to Megan and Susan."

"Maybe I'm an awful person?"

"You still think you're the heir."

"I know I am."

"That's insane."

"Is it?"

"Yes! You don't have an evil bone in your body." Alex stiffened more, her face settling into a scowl. "You don't. Alex, I know you."

"Do you really? Do you know the exact things I've done. I told you I did horrible things. Do you need me to tell you every single bloody detail to understand?"

"Tell me. Because nothing will ever change my mind. You are a good person, Alex. Even if you don't believe it." Alex glowered at her.

"You want to hear about how many throats I've ripped out with my teeth? Or how many times I've sliced people, human beings- wizards, with my bare hands? Can you honestly sit there and tell me that I can't possibly be evil when I've got so much blood on my hands?"

"I can sit here and tell you you're not evil when I know that you would truly never hurt anyone. Because that wasn't you. It was him using you and magically forcing you to do his dirty work. I can tell you you're not evil because I know you." Alex just stared at her friend before her face crumbled. "Oh." Hermione moved closer to her friend as she started to cry. "It's okay. Whatever it is, it'll be okay."

Hermione didn't get any more answers out of Alex that day. Instead, they ended up sitting with the former consoling the latter all through lunch and third period.
"You missed class." Alex said, finally. She sat up straight, and attempted to get herself together.

"It isn't the first time." Hermione just smiled back, warmly.

"I've been acting like a total bitch, haven't I?" Alex said and Hermione pulled a face.

"Not the word I'd use, but true nonetheless."

"Oh, god. Megan's going to kill me for this. Not that I don't deserve her ire."

"Megan will forgive you."

"I know that, but she'll drag it out."

"Well, considering that tomorrow is your birthday, she might let you off."

"It's Megan. When has she ever let me off easy?" Alex replied smiling fondly. Hermione laughed.

"Yeah, okay. You do have a point there." She hesitated for a second. "Any chance you'll consider being nice to your siblings?"

"Or you could keep Ron busy and I can avoid the twins and spend the day with Kichiro."

"Don't you already spend every day with Kichiro?"

"He's still a foal. He needs as much attention as possible." Alex told her. "We should probably get going. Before you're late to potions."

"Yeah, okay." Hermione said. "You sure you'll be okay?"

"Yeah. Don't worry." Alex shrugged off her concern and left the room.

As expected, Megan wasn't blindly forgiving of Alex's earlier mood. She resorted to ignoring her once it was clear Alex was back to normal. Alex didn't react much to it. Just sidled up to her every once in a while in an attempt to draw conversation from her. In fact, it was really Hannah who was affected the most by the tension between them.
"Would you like to meet me in the potions lab on Saturday? You did say you wanted to learn how to make draughts of peace." Alex tried, sitting down opposite Megan. Megan glared at her and turned away, and continued reading through an essay.

"Oh, will you two stop it!" Hannah burst out. "You're friends, for merlin's sake! Alex, you have to stop being so mean just because you're in a bad mood. It's not fair to us. Megan, stop prolonging the row. She apologised. Both of you pull your heads out of your arses. Just get along!" She stormed off. Susan stood.

"I'll go after her." She said. "You could at least be a little more sensitive around her. You know things are bad at home." Alex and Megan looked ashamed as Susan flounced out.

"It's my fault."

"Unless you spiked Hannah's parents with a potion, I don't see how."

"Not that!" Alex huffed. "Us. I started it. I was being rude and awful."

"Yes, you were. But, I guess you've always had your off days. I shouldn't take it so personally."


"Truce. So why are we going to the potions lab on Saturday?"

"To make Hannah some more draughts of peace. That way, even if I never come back, you can continue making it for her."

"And Snape will let us?"

"Yeah, of course. I mean, as long as we make a batch for the hospital wing too. Otherwise, he'll probably think she's addicted and cut us off. Speaking of, never more than one dose a week. And only when she's really stressed. Try to spread them out over a couple of months so she doesn't get too used to the potion."

"I got it."

"Saturday?" Alex asked. Megan looked up and caught her eyes.


Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now