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A/N- Since this is basically a repeat chapter from book one, the next chapter will be uploaded as well, x

Alexandra was sitting next to Snuffles. "I didn't think I'd see you in here." She turned, hearing Quirrell approach.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"I'm sure you already know, dear granddaughter."

"You're Voldemort's host. You're not actually him." She sneered. He glared at her and she rolled her eyes. "You're here for the philosopher's stone."

"I suppose we shouldn't be surprised that you've tamed the beast."

"He's not a beast." She defended and Snuffles growled at Quildemort. "Are you going to hurt him?"

"Now why would you think that?"

"Your master likes hurting things."

"Not this time, I'm afraid." He set down a harp and muttered a charm. The harp began to play a beautiful lullaby and Snuffles started to fall asleep. As soon as all three heads nodded off, Alexandra stepped to the side. "Come with me, I may have use for you yet."

"I'm not helping you." She said firmly.

"Do you honestly believe you have a choice?" He stepped forwards. "Don't think we haven't seen how chummy you've gotten with the mudblood. It'd be a shame if she got hurt, now, wouldn't it?"

"Don't call her that!"

"It's what she is. A mudblood."

"She's a muggleborn and the smartest person I know. Leave her out of this."

"Come on then. Down the rabbit hole." She glared but opened the trapdoor.

"There's no steps."

"You're to jump, Alexandra. You aren't afraid, are you?" She glared but jumped into the dark hole. She landed on something soft, but sturdy. She felt something slither across her and quickly moved to get out. Quirrel did the same.

"You could have warned me there'd be devil's snare." She muttered.

"Where's the fun in that?" She rolled her eyes but followed him down the hallway. They walked into a room. "Ah, winged keys." He smirked. "Accio door key with the broken wing." A key zoomed into his open hand and he rushed to open the door before throwing the key back into the air. He ushered Alexandra inside before locking the door again.

"I'd rather be stuck out there than in here with you."

"Those keys would target you, the moment we found the right one."

"And I'd still rather be out there." He did not look amused and Alexandra just looked away. He led her through the chess game unharmed, and they found themselves facing a troll.

"I know you're quite good with trolls, would you like to take this one?"


"There's only so much insolence he'll let you get away with." Quirrel glared. "Or would you like your mudblood friend to face his wrath?" Alexandra narrowed her eyes, but stepped forward. The troll noticed her too late as she launched herself upwards climbing the troll until she reached its head. She'd done the same thing to this troll that she'd done to the other on Halloween, letting it try to swing its bat at her, and jumping away the last minute so it had hit itself. Quirrel smiled, looking almost proud of her. She walked away, heading through another door. Quirrel followed. Voldemort had been surprising silent the whole while. She decided not to comment on it. Who was she to complain? She let Quirrel examine the potions before them, reaching for a parchment. "You're up again, Alexandra." She looked at the parchment.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now