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By Halloween, Kichiro's horn had grown three inches. Alex was very proud of that. It was another indication that Kichiro really was fine, despite the complications of his birth.
She sat on a log, with her notebook and muggle pen. Her father had been delighted to see her use his birthday gift, though she wasn't sure he'd be so happy if he'd known what the pages entailed. At the front, she'd written about her nightmares, and her time with Voldemort. What had been done to her. Variations of potions that might have helped with her conditions. She hadn't written about the things she'd done. Those were memories she tried desperately to block out. At the back of the book, she'd written out some of the pages Ziegla had pretty much burned into her head. She wrote about Kichiro and Venus. They were really the only two she was close to. The others mainly just tolerated her. Kichiro nudged her with his head and she looked up.
"Hi, Kichiro. You want some attention? Huh? Yeah, you do." She set her journal down beside her. She reached out to stroke his nose. "I'm sorry, I was just thinking. I wish I could tell Hermione about you. You would love her. She's the best. And I don't think Snape's going to use legilimency on her everyday or possibly ever again. Okay, he might do it again. He tried to do it to me. But he doesn't have any reason to try again. I mean, he just wanted information on Voldemort. And he can't get any more out of Hermione that he doesn't already know. And that sucks, because he had to tell the headmaster who had to tell mum and dad, and I'm pretty sure my mum's going to kill me over Christmas break. I'm definitely going to have to go home. Mum hasn't said anything yet, no letters or howlers. I guess that makes sense. Howlers would kind of tell everyone and it's all a big secret and-" she stopped, a burning sensation on her shoulder. She clamped her hand tightly on her shoulder, gritting her teeth in pain. Venus trotted over as her eyes flashed between their normal brown and the magical silver. Venus snorted and a silver mist enveloped Alex and she fell asleep.

She didn't wake up until the next morning. The first thing she noticed was Kichiro's head on her torso. The foal had fallen asleep. She softly shifted so as not to wake him and stood. Venus was already awake, and grazing.
"Oh no." Alex said, before running back to the school. She rushed straight to her Herbology class, hoping she wasn't late. Luckily, she wasn't. Students were still lined up outside the classroom. Hermione caught sight of her and stormed over, looking furious.

"Where were you? I was so worried, particularly when you didn't show up for breakfast. I thought you'd come from wherever you've been disappearing to after you heard."

"Heard what?" Hermione narrowed her eyes.

"You didn't go to your dorm last night? You missed the feast?"

"It's a long story."

"Seems everything's a long story, lately." Alex rolled her eyes and leaned in to whisper in Hermione's ear.

"I think I need another potion. I'll tell you everything, but not right now."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm a little tired."

"Well, we're both free next period. I'll go get you some food, you head up." Alex smiled, gratefully.

"Thanks. I gotta go figure out something to tell the others." She said, and Hermione let her go.

"I see you made it."

"I know you're sick of me saying this, but I'm sorry. I meant to be back by the feast but I lost track of time and accidentally fell asleep."

"Fell asleep where?" Megan challenged.


"Just forget it. I give up. Okay, next time you end up in the hospital wing, or disappear when something called the chamber of secrets opens and a cat gets petrified- I'm not going to waste energy worrying about you. Because you don't need anyone to worry or care. You don't need anyone at all." She huffed and turned away.

"Last year, that's the sort of thing I wanted you to believe. God I wish I still did. It's probably better that way, if I'm being honest. But I didn't mean to disappear."

"You never mean to." Alex didn't get a chance to reply because Professor Sprout arrived and let them into the classroom. Alex sat with Charlie on one side and Hermione on her other.

"You don't have to tell us everything, but Megan's got a point. Everytime you disappear, we don't know whether you're just being you or if you're in actual danger. In case you didn't realise, you had to battle an evil teacher last year." Charlie said as she wrote down the lesson objectives. "It's like you're okay caring about us but you don't want us to return the favour. That's not how a friendship works."

"I'm kind of figuring that out."

"You don't make it easy, but we do love you. You're our friend." Alex sighed and turned to Hermione.

"Come to the dorms. I want to talk to everyone." She said. Hermione looked at her.

"You do?"

"Yeah. Including you. There's something I should tell all of you." Alex said and Hermione nodded.

"Okay." Alex turned back to Charlie.

"You, Megan, Hannah, Susan and Hermione to the dorm after class. Deal?"

"Deal." Charlie said and passed the information along. Alex rested her head on Hermione's shoulder before sitting up.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now