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"Do you have any developing solution?" Alex asked bluntly. Snape didn't look amused.

"You do know I'm not your personal apothecary?" He countered.

"Sorry." She said.

"You're in luck. The headmaster has me brew some each year for the yearbooks." She looked up.

"Can I have some?"

"What are you using it for?"

"It's a gag gift. I once promised Cedric a picture of me that he could show to Kichiro. I don't want him to forget me."

"The boy or the horse?" Snape challenged.

"Kichiro, obviously."

"So Diggory's met Kichiro?"

"He takes care of magical creatures, and he can keep a secret. He can look after Kichiro if the need arises."

"Logical." Was all he said. He stood up and walked to a cupboard taking out a small vial. He held it out to her.


"Need anything else?" She shook her head, but didn't leave. "You didn't go see Madam Pomfrey last night? Or today, either. Do I need to escort you?"

"I'm sure she's too busy with my latest victim."

"Alex, he's not your-"

"I'm fine. I don't need a check up. I just need to get away from Hogwarts. At least Mahoutokoro doesn't have a monster I can use to petrify its students."

"Your health matters, whether or not you believe that. There's nothing Madam Pomfrey can do for the petrified students for now anyway. You, on the other hand-"

"I'm fine." She repeated. "Besides, all the other times I've ended up in the hospital wing I've had pressing issues for her to work on. If I go as I am now, she'll do a full diagnostic test and might find out about my Mr Hyde side."

"I hadn't thought of that." Snape frowned. "Did your parents not order a full health exam upon your return?"

"I wouldn't let. Screamed bloody murder whenever they tried to take me to a healer."

"And that didn't raise alarms?"

"It did. They almost took me to St Mungo's so I hid. Quite well, if I say so myself. I admit, I was very difficult to handle. They did their best."

"Well, at least make sure to take a dose of your potion every month. And don't hesitate to have some of the dreamless sleep if you have any nightmares. And you can write to me any time you wish."

"I know."

"You'll be staying with the headmistress, for the term."

"Yes, I know."

"She has two children your age."

"Mm." Alex shrugged, noncommittally.

"Emiko and Haru."

"Why do you know that?" She asked.

"Because these are people you will be living with for four to seven months."

"So, what? You're making sure they're not evil or Volde-minions?"

"Volde-minions?" Snape repeated. Alex shrugged sheepishly. "I suppose, and you can rest assured that they are not."

"I know."

"You do?"

"I kind of memorised a ledger comprised of all of his followers. There were a lot of names."

"I'm sure. You remember them all?"

"I don't forget things." She shrugged again. "I've always been like this."


"It sucks. I wish I could forget things sometimes. It'd make sleeping a lot easier." Her eyes widened as she realised what she'd said. She stood up to leave. "I should go. I'm sorry. Hermione will be wondering-"

"Stop. Sit. Talk." She reluctantly sat down.

"Talk about what?" She played dumb.

"How often do you get nightmares?" He asked.

"Honestly? I haven't had one in a few weeks."

"But you're still having trouble with sleep?"


"For someone who keeps a lot of secrets, you are really bad at lying." Snape said, his expression amused.

"No, I'm not."

"So you admit, you are lying?"

"I should really get back to my dorm and work on-"

"Alex, why haven't you been sleeping?"

"I have been. I literally slept today." She protested. "Also curfew's in ten minutes and getting to the Hufflepuff dorms takes fifteen minutes, so can I please go? I can't get detention so I'll probably just lose points, and that's not fair to my housemates."

"One moment." He stood and walked to another cupboard, and looked through before picking out a vial. "This will ensure you sleep through the night. I've been working on it. It will prevent you from sleepwalking, too. Do not take it with the dreamless sleep. They won't react well together, and it already prevents dreaming."

"Oh. Thanks." Alex said.

"Promise me you'll take it?" She didn't answer for a little bit. "Alex..."

"But what if it doesn't work?"

"Are you doubting my skills? I happen to be an expert in the field of potions."

"How does it stop me from sleepwalking. Because the only way I can think of would be some sort of paralysis potion, to keep me from moving whatsoever." Snape nodded and she shook her head. "That's what he did. Body-bind spells, paralysis potions. I don't- I can't voluntarily take something like that. I don't want to. Please?"

"I didn't think of that. I apologise." He said.

"I'll be fine. Hermione's sleeping over in our dorm. We still have an extra bed and she's promised to keep an eye on me." Snape didn't look very assured but he nodded. "It's the best I can go for. Potions, barrier spells- even locked doors sometimes freak me out." He stayed silent, letting her talk. "I don't like it when people grab me either. Like, by the shoulders. Hermione's careful about that. Whenever she needs to touch me she's gentle, and she never grabs me in a way I can't get out of. Not unless I initiate it. Like with hugs. She always hugs me from the side, so I can push away if I need to. It's nice. But sometimes, I just need to know she's there and I give her a normal hug and it feels safe. Not confining."

"What are some of your other triggers?" He asked softly.

"Snakes." She shrugged. "But you know that. When the twins try to corner me sometimes, or even just hover- I know they don't mean anything by it, but for a second it feels like I'm back there. I don't know. I haven't really noticed any others."

"Thank you for telling me." She stood up.

"Bye, Professor uncle." She said, more jokingly than anything before leaving.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now