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Alexandra didn't know how it got so out of control, but one moment they'd been planning a sleepover in their dorm room and the next it became a full blown party in the common room. She wasn't sure it was even allowed but their prefects didn't seem to care. Probably because Hufflepuff parties weren't really very outrageous, and as long as there was no reason for Professor Sprout to come, there was no reason they shouldn't be allowed to have fun.

"You look like you're enjoying yourself." Cedric leaned on the wall beside her. She was drinking 7up in the corner.

"I'm just trying not to get noticed."

"That's kind of impossible." She turned to him.

"Why? Because I'm a loner?"

"No." She studied him for a second.

"Because I'm weird?"

"Definitely not." He laughed.

"Because I'm a Weasley without the red hair?" She tried.

"Uh uh." He shook his head.

"Then why?"

"You're the smart one. Figure it out." He grinned. She narrowed her eyes.

"Anyone ever tell you you're annoying?"

"You have. About a thousand times."

"Well I'm saying it again. You're annoying."

"See, that doesn't hurt as much as you think it does because I already know you're a lot nicer than you like people to think." She scoffed, but didn't get a chance to reply.

"What are you guys doing all the way over here?!" Charlie strode over to them. "No hiding!"

"We're not hiding."

"Good. Now come on. I brought a board game with me this year. It's called twister."

"What's twister?" Charlie grabbed Alexandra, who grabbed onto Cedric, and pulled her along to a space where mostly second years had gathered.

"This is twister!" Charlie pointed proudly at the small box.

"It's a box."

"The game's inside the box, Alex." Cedric grinned.

"You know it?" Charlie looked up excited but he shook his head.



"But it looks fun. Right?" He nudged Alexandra.

"Sure, how do you play?" Charlie began to explain the game and give out instructions as Cedric smirked at Alexandra.

"Stop that." She demanded, not looking away from Charlie.

"Told you you're nice."

"I will impale you with your broom if you don't shut up."

"You don't scare me."

"You're so annoying."

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me." He quoted.

"What if I have my wand?"

"You won't hurt me."

"You sound confident."

"I am." She raised her brow before walking away from him to play the game. Charlie put them in groups of four. Alexandra was with Justin, Leanne and Cedric. Their group was last. Charlie had appointed herself the referee.

"Right hand, red." Alexandra lifted her hand and reached for the circle, before deciding to push Cedric first. He wobbled before collapsing on the mat, his leg accidentally nudging Alexandra's. She lost her balance and collapsed on top of him, unamused as he laughed.

"Karma." He said simply and she rolled her eyes, getting off.

"Let's play something else."

"I think one of the older kids brought uno. It's a fun game." Charlie said and sauntered off in search of the game. She left her twister box with the other group and came back. "Carrie says she'll come over once they finish their round. I'm going to go get some snacks. Anyone want anything?"

"I'll come with you." Susan offered.

"You don't want anything?" Cedric asked.


"Charlie seems happy."

"She's almost as persistent as Hermione."

"You like her."

"I like all of them. Tell anyone I said that and I'll deny it."

"Your secret's safe with me." He laughed.

As it happened, Alexandra had potions the next day. She decided to wait behind after class.
"So, what does an uncle do?" She said, once the coast was clear.

"I don't know. Haven't you got any others?"

"I only have one living uncle and he doesn't visit often. Just on some special occasions."

"I think it goes without saying that I've never been an uncle, so I'm not sure."

"We can figure it out together, right?"

"Of course."

"Can we make more potions?"

"Why don't you go enjoy your lunch, for now? We can make some after classes." She nodded.

"I don't see why I have to serve detention with Malfoy. It's bad enough I'm stuck with him and Zabini for charms."

"Your heart may have been in the right place but your actions were wrong, Alex. You must understand that."

"Sometimes you need to do the wrong things for the right reasons."

"If we all thought that way, we wouldn't be any better than the dark lord."

"I'm nothing like him."

"I'm not saying you are. Just that it's easy to fall into bad habits the more you justify them. Go on, have your lunch." He said and she left.

Alexandra didn't go to lunch. Instead, she met Hermione in the library.
"Hi." Hermione greeted softly, not wanting to disturb madam Pince.


"How did it go?" She asked.

"Still got detention for a week. And with Malfoy, no less."

"Well at least he isn't writing home." Hermione said. "You really should've left Malfoy alone."

"Whatever happens, I'm happy I didn't." Hermione laughed. "Can you do me a favour?"

"What's the favour?" Hermione asked a little suspiciously.

"Oh, would you relax? It's nothing bad. I'm certainly not going to ask you to smuggle a dragon out of Hogwarts with me." Hermione blushed a little, swatting her friend's arm. "I wrote a letter to my mum and dad, and I was hoping you'd look over it. I don't want to come off like, you know, like I'm..." she searched for the word but came up empty.

"Of course." Hermione said. Alexandra smiled gratefully and handed over the letter. She watched as Hermione read it, her eyes darting across the page. Impatient, Alexandra drummed her fingers on her lap. Finally, Hermione looked up. "This is great. Send it."

"Are you sure?"


"Alright." Alexandra put the letter away. "Thank you."


"How is Ginny faring? Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine. She fits in perfectly. She's like a more social version of you. Kind, but fierce."

"I'm not-"

"Save it." Hermione cut her off.

"And Ron?" Hermione softened at that. It was Ron and Alexandra's relationship that had suffered the worst since her return, and Hermione could see the toll it took on her.

"He's okay. He misses you a lot."

"You've always got an agenda, haven't you?"

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now