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Hannah, Megan, Charlie, Susan, Hermione and Alex were gathered in the Hufflepuff dorm. Alex sat on her bed, casting a privacy charm on her door.
"I- it all started before the quidditch match. Actually, it started last year, kind of. I was out in the forest."

"The forbidden forest?" Megan asked.

"Yes, the forbidden forest. I came across a wounded unicorn, so I tried a healing spell. It worked, I guess and she got better."

"A unicorn?" Hannah repeated.

"Yes. I didn't know at the time but saving a unicorn can give you some extra powers sometimes." The girls were listening intently, Hermione included. "I didn't think I got anything. There was no difference to my magic, so I figured I didn't have to worry. I eventually found out that I can't- well I've got this sort of immunity to spells."

"But when we tried the knockback jinx in DADA last year, you were affected."

"That was before." Alex sighed nervously. "You can try if you want. You can influence things around me, but you can't use magic directly on me."

"We believe you, go on." Charlie encouraged.

"Well, I didn't know this last year either, but a kind of connection between the unicorn and I developed. So, the night before the quidditch match, I had this urge to go into the forbidden forest and I tried to, but I couldn't ignore it. Venus, the unicorn I saved was giving birth to a baby unicorn, but something was wrong. She was calling for help. So I tried to help and eventually she gave birth to a colt. I named him Kichiro."

"What's a colt?"

"Male baby horse. So that's where I was that night and a couple nights after that and pretty much all of the time I had spare. Kichiro was weak and I was trying to help him. He's doing better now, but he's still only a couple weeks old, so I wanted to keep watching over him, to make sure he really is okay. I didn't want to tell anyone because Kichiro's still very young, and I didn't think he needed people around. He's still bonding with his mother and developing. His parents are very protective. His mother likes me well enough, and we have a link, but his father doesn't really trust strangers around his child. This first year followed me into the woods the night Venus gave birth, and the only reason Kichiro's dad let her get close was because Venus needed help. She helped me and watched over Kichiro whenever she could."

"Luna." Hermione realised.


"So what happened last night? You fell asleep in the forest?"

"Kind of. I may have blacked out. I don't really feel as though I've been asleep for twenty hours, though."

"You fainted in the forbidden forest? Where was Luna?"

"I don't know. I mean, she usually comes during free periods, and sometimes at lunch or whenever she feels like it."

"Why do you keep fainting? Is something wrong?" Hannah asked, worriedly.

"She doesn't eat or sleep much." Hermione declared and Alex scowled.

"I do now. I've been eating all three meals per day, and sleeping through the night."

"Except, we only have your word for it." She retorted.

"Fine, I could do better on the sleeping, but I do eat a lot."

"You eat more than you used to, but you definitely don't eat a lot."

"Well, that's off topic. I just don't want word getting back to Dumbledore about the unicorns. So I kept it to myself. And I hope you can forgive me."

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now