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Ever since Harry's arrival, the Weasleys had seen even less of Alexandra. It wasn't until they went to Diagon Alley that they'd seen her longer than five minutes. She'd gone through the fireplace third, after the twins. It was just as annoying as it sounded. Eventually her whole family had come through, but Harry was nowhere to be found. Her parents were frantic with worry, but honestly if she'd learnt anything during the last year at Hogwarts, it was that Harry Potter would always find a way to get into trouble. He'd also always find a way out.
She wandered beside her father, bored until she caught sight of her best friend.


"Harry!" Her father called, catching sight of the boy next to Hermione. They sprinted forward and Alexandra hugged her friend.

"Missed me that much?" Hermione remarked, hugging her back.

"Haven't you missed me at all?" Alexandra countered. They separated before linking arms.

"Is everyone staring because you're talking to someone voluntarily?" Hermione whispered as Alexandra's siblings gaped at them

"It could be because I hugged you."

"Would it kill you to be more affectionate with your family?"

"Mum, dad, this is Hermione Granger." Alexandra introduced. "H, these are my parents. You've met Percy, the twins, Ron and Harry. And this is Ginny."

"Hi, nice to meet you." Hermione smiled at them.

"Nice to meet you too, Hermione. We've heard a lot about you." Hermione grinned, nudging Alexandra who rolled her eyes.

"Don't even." She hissed quietly.

"Come on, let me introduce you to my parents!" Hermione tugged her up to the steps at Gringotts. "Mum, dad!"

"This must be the famous Alex." Hermione's mother smiled pleasantly.

"Pleased to meet you." She smiled at them kindly.

"The pleasure is all ours."

"So, she's fine being nice to random strangers, but when it comes to her own family..." Ron muttered from behind.

"This is my family." Alexandra gestured to behind her. "My parents and my siblings."

"You're muggles!" Her father said delighted, and needed no further encouragement. "I'm Arthur, and this is Molly. You must join us for a drink! Oh, what've you got there? Are you exchanging muggle money-?"

"If mum doesn't stop him, he'll never stop talking."

"Your dad's nice. Must be where you get it from." Alexandra let go of Hermione, glaring.

"I hate you."

"No you don't. I'm your one and only friend."

"I don't mind having zero."

"Tell your lies to someone who'll fall for them."

"Alex, come on." Molly called her daughter.

"Meet me back here afterwards?" Alexandra asked and Hermione nodded and they separated.

Once they all met up outside Gringotts, everyone began to separate. The twins caught sight of a friend from Hogwarts, Lee Jordan, and Percy muttered something about a new quill. Arthur was excited about going for a drink with Hermione's parents and Molly planned on taking Ginny to get some school robes.
"Mum, Hermione and I are gonna walk around."

"Stick with Ron and Harry." She fretted. Alexandra pulled a face.

"I don't want to. It's bad enough they're at home and we have to spend the rest of summer together."

"Alex, please."

"I'll be with Hermione the whole time." She said linking their arms. "We won't separate. Please, mum?"

"Fine, but be careful." Molly said, stepping closer. She grabbed Alexandra's head and planted a huge kiss on her forehead.

"I'll bring her back safe and sound, Mrs Weasley." Hermione said and Molly smiled gratefully.

"One hour, Flourish and Botts for your schoolbooks." Molly said before yelling at the twins' retreating back. "And not one step down knockturn alley."

"Come on, before she changes her mind." Alexandra pulled Hermione away.

"Ron and Harry really aren't so bad."

"You also like having me as a friend. Clearly there is something wrong with you."

"This self loathing act is getting old."

"You only have to put up with it for a few months."

"How is your Japanese?" Hermione asked.

"Sukoshi wakarimasu."

"I don't know what that means."

"I understand a little."

"I want to learn."

"Evenings in the library? We can learn together."

"That sounds like fun."

"Only you two would be talking about studying before school even starts." Cedric teased as he bumped into them.

"Why are you here?" Alexandra folded her arms.

"There are nicer ways to greet someone." He smiled.

"Is there a nicer way to tell someone to get lost?"

"At least you're being nice."

"Are you here for your schoolbooks?"

"Yeah. And some new quidditch gear."

"Of course." Cedric looked offended at Alexandra's tone.

"I play the sport, so of course I need some equipment."

"Okay." She said, indifferently.

"I have other interests aside from Quidditch." He told her.

"Sure you do."

"So, I see you've decided to stick with Hogwarts?" He tried to change the subject.

"Part time. She's leaving us in April." Hermione answered.

"Oh. That's nice."

"Nice?" Alexandra asked.

"I just mean... it's what you want, right?"


"Cedric, we have some time before we're supposed to get back to our parents. Why don't you hang out with us?" Hermione offered.

"I'd love to." He said. "If it's all right with you Alex?"

"Would it matter if I said no?"

"That's as close to yes as I'll ever get, so I'll take it." He grinned.

"Just as long as we don't have to hear you blather on about quidditch."

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now