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Alexandra reached a tunnel at the end of the stairs. It was slightly illuminated. She took a left and started walking, wishing she had some kind of torch.

There was a dead-end at the end of the tunnel. She looked around before noticing a ladder, like the one that had led her into the tunnel. She climbed up and opened the trapdoor above her. She noticed that she was out of the manor. With a triumphant grin, she ran, hoping to make her way to civilization.
"Ah!" There was a sudden burning pain on her shoulder as a wolf bit her. A werewolf. She screamed out and her two guards appeared beside her.

"Stupefy!" One of them yelled.

"Aw, shit. He's gonna kill us!" The other hissed, as the werewolf left.

"Not if we can stop this. Get Ashburn here."

The scene changed again. Alexandra was strapped to a table as a man poured a potion on her shoulder. She yelled out in pain. The man didn't seem to care as he recorded the damage to her shoulder. He turned away from her and to a table where he had potion ingredients and a cauldron set up.

Alex was half asleep, and lying on the table, still strapped.
"My lord, I could not completely reverse the affliction, but I believe I have done all I can do." The man said. Whatever he said next was blotted out of the memory. Alex had fallen asleep.

"Wake!" A voice hissed, shaking Alex. Her eyes opened. She blinked once. Twice. Thrice. She turned to look at the room. She wasn't strapped down to the table any longer. There was a bandage covering the bite on her shoulder. She looked up and saw the healer- Ashburn. She got off the table, scrambling away from him.

"Stop!" A voice commanded and she did, her eyes glowing. "Get back on the table." She did as she was told.

"Why did I-?" She broke off, her eyes filled with terror. Was this what an imperius curse felt like? She hadn't heard a spell cast at her, but what other reason was there for her obedience?

"You have served me well, Ashburn. You live to see another day. Dismissed." The healer rushed out of the room. "Ah, my darling granddaughter."

Dumbledore watched as he was whisked into an unfamiliar room.
"Kill them, dear." Voldemort hissed behind Alexandra. He was possessing Thorgil Griffiths in the same way he'd possessed Quirrell. "They deserve it." She was standing in front of her two guards. "And take your time."

"Yes, grandfather." Her nails turned into claws, and her teeth into fangs. She descended upon Jason Marks first, slicing into his body and ripping out his throat. She stepped back and let him fall to the ground in a bloody mess. She turned to William.

"No, please. Mercy, please. Please. I beg of you." But there was no room for mercy. She swiftly turned his pleading into silence.

Alex was in the library, reading up on some dark spells. She'd gone through almost all of the books in the library. Ashburn walked in.
"It's time." He said.

"I don't want to." She crossed her arms, looking like a petulant child.

"Tsk." He tutted. "Wrong answer." Her new guards stepped forward. She put down her book, and growled, her eyes flashing yellow.

"Petrificus totalus." Ashburn said, and she froze. Her guard each stood on either side of her, grabbing an arm each, and carrying her out. They followed Ashburn to his lab and set her on the table. They strapped her down before taking their places at the door. The spell didn't wear off for another minute. Ashburn waited until it did. He then tipped a vial of blue liquid in her mouth, holding her mouth and nose shut so she'd drink it. She gulped it and the scarring on her shoulder became visible. Using a scalpel, Ashburn cut into her healing wound, and smeared a paste on it. Red smoke emitted from the wound and Alex screamed again in pain. He tipped another potion into her mouth. Weakened and in pain, she drank it, and her eyes turned yellow before she passed out.

Alex is sitting on the floor in front of Thorgill facing Voldemort's side of the head.
"So my mother isn't dead?"

"That woman isn't your mother." He hissed in anger. "Your mother was my daughter, Morgana."

"After Morgan La Fey?"

"Yes, exactly. We are descended from her line. Just as we are descended from Salazar Slytherin himself."

"My lord." The woman that Alexandra had met during her first attempt at running away walked in. "It is happening."

"You're certain?"

"I can feel it. Now." She stiffened and bent back, her body transforming. Within seconds, a large snake took the place of the woman.

"Oh, Nagini." Voldemort said, and she slithered past Alexandra to reach his side.

"Do not mourn my mortality. I shall be yours forever and I shall serve you just as well, if not better, in this form." She said. Alexandra frowned. Snakes couldn't talk, and yet she understood Nagini as clear as day.

"I'm a parselmouth?!" She realised.

"It seems you've inherited the family gift." Voldemort replied.

The scene changed again one final time. Alexandra was in her room. She looked at her bloodstained hands and rushed to the bathroom. She scrubbed her hands as hard as she could.
"Careful, there." Her new guards were required to keep watch of her at all times. Voldemort didn't want her getting out like she did last time.

"Bog off." She muttered.

"Shouldn't Ashburn be giving you another session right now?" The guard sneered.

"He's missing an ingredient." Technically, he was missing several, not that he noticed.

"He may be your grandfather, but you are not worthy of the dark lord." The guard hissed.

"Whatever." She muttered waiting, biding her time until the guard was close enough. Quick as a viper, Alexandra threw an ivory white powder at the guard. The guard crumpled almost immediately and Alexandra caught him, laying him down softly, so as to not make any noise. She grabbed a small container before quickly crawling under the bed and making her way to the tunnels. Voldemort had never realised how she'd gotten out, believing it to be her accidental magic. Alexandra kept running, until she was as far from the manor as possible. She didn't stop until she was hours away, and she finally let herself rest. The knight bus pulled up, and she sighed with relief.

"Well, come on in, little lady. Where are you off to?"

"Diagon Alley." She said. "You can drop me off at the leaky cauldron."

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now