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Alexandra waited for Hermione outside her transfiguration class. It was awkward, considering Hermione was the last to leave and Ron and Harry had waited behind for her. She'd have to find a way to separate her friend from the boys, without tipping them off. Unfortunately, Ron didn't seem particularly inclined to let Alexandra off the hook easily.
"Hermione." Alexandra stood in front of the trio. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure." Hermione started forward but Ron blocked her way with his arm.

"What for?" He asked.

"None of your business."

"We need Hermione's help. We've got potions next and Snape will kill us if we don't give in our homework."

"Wasn't the homework a revision worksheet? Based on last year?"


"I don't care if you haven't done the homework. I need to talk to Hermione privately. You have one hour for lunch. Figure something out."

"Are you okay?" Hermione asked. Alexandra glances at the boys meaningfully. "Ronald, I'm not giving you the answers to Snape's homework, so you might as well go get a start on it. It only took ten minutes to do anyway."

"It's impossible to do." Harry shook his head. "We tried."

"Then ask someone else in your dorm. Maybe use Ginny's first year potions book as a guide."

"That's a good idea- wait, you just helped us. What is so important you're willing to help me?" Ron asked.

"Stop being so ridiculous Ron." Alexandra rolled her eyes, and reached out for Hermione's hand. Hermione grabbed it and Alexandra pulled her along, taking her up to the astronomy tower, give or take a few detours to throw off Ron in case he followed them.

"So, what's wrong?" Hermione asked once they got to the tower, panting and out of breath.

"Hello? Anybody here?" Alexandra called, and there was no reply. She led Hermione to the parapet and took a seat. "Remember the whole adopted thing?"


"I know who my father is."

"What? You didn't tell me you were looking!"

"I wasn't. It's a weird story, and you have to promise not to freak out."

"Did I freak out the last time you told me who you were related to?"

"You have a point. Okay, so first day back in classes, I went to go see professor Snape. And I wanted to make sure Voldemort wasn't around anymore."

"Oh, Alex."

"I know, pathetic. I just wanted to make sure. So I cast this spell that I found that would show me if any relatives of mine were in the castle."

"You're related to someone at Hogwarts?"


"Gross! Don't tell me he's your-?"

"Not him. My father is a muggle. Well, more a squib. It's Snape's brother."

"There's two of them? Snape has a brother who's a squib? You're related to Snape? You're a Snape?"

"Voldemort being my grandfather, you can handle, but Snape being my uncle, you can't?"

"What?!" Cedric was standing a few metres away, having just flown in through the window.

"Hi, Cedric." Alexandra tried to brush over what she and Hermione were talking about.

"You're you-know-who's granddaughter?" She shared a panicked look with Hermione.


"I heard you. How are you his granddaughter? Does he have a son?"

"Had a daughter." Alex crossed over to him and pulled him over to Hermione. "She died after having me. And then I was adopted by the Weasleys."

"The twins never mentioned that you were adopted."

"They don't know. You can't tell them."

"Is Snape also related to you-know-who?"

"No, no. No. Cedric, you can't tell anyone any of what we're about to say."

"Sure. You're not team dark lord, are you?"

"No." Alexandra shook her head.

"Then, yeah. Of course I'll keep your secret. But how is it possible?"

"My biological mother was Voldemort's daughter. She had me and smuggled me off to Dumbledore, who gave me to my parents and then I was raised by them since."

"And your brothers don't know?"

"From what I know, my biological mum told Dumbledore when she found out she was pregnant. It wasn't sudden or anything, so they pretended the whole time."

"So how does Snape fit into all this?" Cedric asked.

"My biological father is Snape's brother."

"So you're like a mini-Snape?"

"No, I just- I don't know what to do."

"What did he say?"

"He said it was up to me, what I wanted. If I want to pretend like we don't know, or if I want to do something about it."

"So what do you want?"

"I don't know."

"If Snape was going to be related to anyone, then you make sense. You're the only person he doesn't hate." Hermione said.

"Not really. He likes Malfoy too."

"You know, if you ever wanted to know more about your dad, Snape could probably tell you." Cedric pointed out.

"And, he's kind of your family."

"I don't want my parents to think that I don't think they're enough."

"They won't think that. Talk to them, I'm sure they'll understand." Alexandra sighed.

"Maybe." She turned to Cedric. "Why are you here? You never miss lunch."

"Oh, um," he looked a little embarrassed. "I have to do my arithmancy homework by today otherwise I won't be able to go on the Hogsmeade trip tomorrow."

"Oh, so you came here to focus?"

"Well I have lunch and a free period after."

"You know, if you want Alex can look over it and see if she understands." Cedric looked at Alexandra pleadingly.

"Would you?"

"Let me see." She said and Hermione stood.

"I should go. Make sure the boys have actually done their homework."

"Thanks, H." Alexandra smiled.

"You know I'm always here for you. Good luck." She added and Cedric nodded gratefully.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now