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"You know the forest is forbidden, right?" Cedric asked as Alex led him deep inside.

"Yeah, that doesn't really stop me." She shook her head.

"There are dangerous creatures in the forest. Werewolves and such."

"This path is protected. You won't meet any monsters if you stay on it." She promised.

"Just how often do you come here?" He asked.

"Actually, I've come a lot more this past month." She said. "Alright, you're going to have to be careful. Stay right next to me, and make no sudden movements."

"What happened to no monsters?"

"There aren't any." She said, before stepping into the clearing. Cedric stepped beside her and his eyes widened.


"Yeah." She led him over to her log. "Sit here."

"Okay." He sat down. She walked over to Venus.

"Hey, V." She said, stroking the bridge of her nose with one hand, and offering her an apple with her other. There was a crunching sound as Venus bit into the apple. "That's a good girl. Hey, come here. I want you to meet a friend of mine." Alex said, softly nudging her towards Cedric. Venus neighed in disapproval. "Oh, hey. Come on, he's a good friend and I think you'd like him. Please?" Venus neighed again but let Alex lead her over to Cedric. "Okay, stand up." She told him. She reached out for his hand, and put the rest of the apple in it. She moved it towards Venus so the unicorn could take another bite.

"Unicorns are wild. How are you doing this?"

"Well, Venus and I have a bond." She shrugged as Kichiro joined them. "And there's my baby boy." She turned to foal, cooing. "Hey Kichiro. How are you?" He snorted in reply. "This is my friend Cedric. Cedric. This is Kichiro, he's Venus's foal."

"And a baby unicorn. And his mother isn't killing me. This is- this shouldn't be possible."

"I met Venus last year. We developed some sort of familiarity bond when I saved her. I helped her deliver Kichiro."

"You delivered a baby horse?"

"That was all Venus, really."

"This is- I hardly have any words." He said. "It's incredible."

"Well, you can't tell anyone."

"I won't." He watched in awe. He reached out to pet Venus but she moved back.

"You'll have better luck with Kichiro. He's only a month old, and a lot more sociable than Venus." Alex told him.

"He's a month?"

"Yeah, born the night before your quidditch match. It's why I couldn't wait to congratulate you."


"Promise you won't tell anyone?"

"Professor Kettleburn would have a field day with this." He said.


"Only joking. I promise."

"Thank you. They don't like human contact much. They prefer to be on their own, but I'd feel better if I could count on someone else. Especially after I go to Mahoutokoro. I'm really going to miss them." She said.

"I'll sit down with pictures of you so he never forgets you." Cedric vowed. Alex laughed and shoved him slightly.


"Say, isn't your birthday coming up?"

"I suppose." She nodded. "Why, want to go flying?"


"You know, it isn't fair that I didn't know when yours was until your teammates sung you a happy birthday in the common room on the day."

"Well, now you know for next year." He winked.

"I'll have to remember to owl you a howler."

"I look forward to it." She rolled her eyes.

"You'll have to open it in the middle of the great hall."

"Alex Weasley yelling happy birthday at me for all of Hogwarts to hear? Yeah, I'm alright with that." Her expression soured.

"Okay, I'll forgo the howler but I'll figure out something equally embarrassing."

"I have no doubt."

It was ten in the evening and the Hufflepuff common room was silent, all students either in their rooms or in the library. Cedric walked into the common room, carrying some books and parchment. He saw Alex standing at the open door, one foot out and another in.
"Alex." She didn't seem to hear him and he set his study materials down to jog over to her. "Alex?" He reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder. She turned to face him, her eyes bleary and confused. "Hey, didn't curfew start ten minutes ago?"

"Um." He led her to the couch. She seemed to wake up a little.

"You okay?"

"What am I doing here? I thought I was in my room?"

"You were going somewhere."

"I was?"

"Maybe you were sleepwalking." He offered. "And you just don't remember."

"Sleepwalking." She repeated.

"Why don't you get back to bed and we can ask Professor Sprout for charms to prevent sleepwalking in the morning?"

"No! I'm fine." She said. "I'm okay." She blinked away her sleep. "What time is it?"


"Oh, I fell asleep?"

"Looks that way."

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Arithmancy." He said. "I never got a chance to finish off my assignment this week."

"Oh. Mind if I join you? I've got three feet of Wizarding influences in the muggles' First World War." She said.

"Sure." He shrugged.

"I'll just get my things." She said and stood. She headed to the bathroom first, to wash her face, before going to her dorm to get some writing utensils.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now