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As much as Alex hated it, Malfoy wasn't completely terrible company. Something she'd found out during their detentions. They'd started with small talk, and pretty soon they began to avoid conversations that would cause conflicts. It got easier to get along after that.

"You can't mix an eye of newt with salamander egg." Alex scolded.

"But that's what it says."

"It says use eye of newt or salamander blood. You do know newts are salamanders? You mix too much into the potion, and you get a very strong hallucinogenic." He squinted at the book.

"It's still creepy that you remember exactly what's written in the book." He said.

"I told you. I remember everything I've ever read."

"That's very creepy!"

"It's not creepy! Just go back to brewing the wiggenweld."

"You really like potions, don't you?" He asked.

"Yeah. I've loved it since I can remember. My mum used to let me watch her when I was young. And then she let me join in once I was old enough."

"I don't think there's anything I've ever loved that much, or for that long."

"As annoying as you are, you're not half bad at quidditch."

"Thanks... I think."

"Don't make me compliment you outright. That'd just be wrong." She grimaced.

"Merlin forbid." He laughed.

"You're actually a little... okay in potions too."

"I'd hope so. Severus has been giving me lessons since I was eight."

"Oh, right."

"He's my godfather." Malfoy carried on. "I've known him all my life."

"That's pretty cool."

"Yeah, it is." Malfoy said, continuing his potion. "Why are you working on draughts of peace?"

"One of my dormmates gets anxious easily."

"Hufflepuff." He scoffed.

"They could happen to anyone. Just because she's a Hufflepuff, doesn't make her weak or anything. I'm a Hufflepuff but I could still kick your butt."

"Why are you a Hufflepuff?" He asked, his tone more curious than offensive. "Shouldn't the sorting hat have put you in Ravenclaw or something?"

"Hufflepuff's supposed to be where I flourish."

"At least it's not Gryffindor." She made a face.

"Thank Merlin for that. Hermione might possibly be the only Gryffindor I can stand."

"How did you and Granger manage to become friends anyway?"

"Um, charms. We had it together, and we'd compete every time. It turned into a wonderful friendship." Malfoy looked like he was about to say something. "Don't. I know perfectly well your opinion of her, but she is my best friend, Malfoy. Whatever you're going to say- don't."

"Draco." He said, deciding to change the subject. "My name's Draco. Stop calling me Malfoy."

"Alex." She said and held out her hand. He shook it.

For the next few weeks, even after their detentions were over, Alex continued going down to the potions lab. So did Draco. They would help Snape with little odd jobs around the classroom or help make potions. It was the only time they were ever civil with one another. Outside the potions lab, they behaved as normal, insulting each other. She also continued her weekly flying sessions with Cedric. He hadn't said anything about her kissing him, and so she didn't either.

It was mid October and Hufflepuff's first match of the season was coming up. Alex didn't get to spend much time with Cedric that week, though he did somehow manage to get her to promise to go. And Hermione was expecting her to cheer for her house team and be overall outwardly supportive. Alex wasn't sure what Hermione thought was going to happen. There's no way she would ever be one of those students who would hold up creative and handmade banners made almost entirely of glitter. She'd leave that to Ernie. And she definitely wouldn't cheer for Cedric exclusively. Wasn't it enough that she had to watch the match?

Feeling restless the night before, Alex headed out for a walk. Her feet seemed to have a destination in mind. "You shouldn't enter the forest. It's forbidden." Alex turned and saw Luna- the girl Ginny sat with on the train.

"It's fine. I've gone in before." She shrugged. "You definitely shouldn't be here though."

"The macklebugs say I should stay with you."

"The mackle-what?"

"Macklebugs." Luna said. "They're tiny, purple creatures. I think I can trust them."

"Um... okay." Alex wasn't sure what to make of this strange girl. "I'm sure you can, but it's dark. It's almost curfew. You might want to get back to your room."

"But I'm supposed to go with you." She insisted.

"It's dangerous in the forest. There are mean centaurs and manticores."

"That's okay." She shrugged. "The macklebugs will keep us safe."

"Luna, I need privacy for what I'm about to do." What that was exactly, Alex didn't know. All she knew was that she had to be alone. Luna hummed and nodded. She turned and walked away. Alex continued her descent into the forest, letting her instinct guide her. She'd tried to ignore the urge, but the more she ignored it, the more agitated she felt. She'd even tried a draught of peace but it didn't settle her nerves. She walked for perhaps half an hour before coming reaching a small pasture where unicorns were gathered together. She walked closer in awe and a few skittered away once they noticed. One of them, however, stood fiercely in front of her. She was sure if horses could glare, he would be doing so. She stood still, letting him assess her. He looked behind her, before neighing in anger.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now