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Hermione had a point. As long as she kept fighting Voldemort's control over her, over the beast, she was winning. She had to win and keep her friends safe. Keep Hermione safe. If Voldemort got control of her again, Hermione would be the first casualty and that could not happen.

Alex stayed up reading the Japanese defense book Snape had given her in the common room. Everyone else had gone to bed, so the common room was empty. She was laying on the couch when she heard footsteps and placed the book, still half open, on her chest and closed her eyes. Whoever it was could assume she'd fallen asleep reading. She heard the footsteps getting closer and closer, stopping in the common room.
"Oh, Alex." She heard a hushed voice. Charlie. She felt the book being lifted off her and a small thud, indicating that Charlie put it down on the table. A warm blanket was placed on top of her, before Charlie left. She waited until the footsteps were gone, before opening her eyes.

"Horae." She whispered and the soft glow of a digital clock appeared. It was five in the morning. She'd give it another two hours before 'waking up'. She reached out for the book and continued reading. A lot of spells were different in Japanese, and so were the wand movements. She set to memorising as many as she could. She'd probably be allowed to do some spells the way she would in Britain, but she didn't want to be too much of an outcast. Well, if she was ever allowed to go.

Cedric was the first one up. "Morning." He greeted, seeing her sitting up.

"Hi." She replied, not looking up from her book. He walked over to sit beside her.

"So, there's a quidditch match later."

"Gryffindor vs Slytherin, I know." She flicked her eyes towards him for a second, before turning back to her book.

"I know you don't like the sport-"

"I really don't." She agreed.

"But you've got to look up from your book sometime, and enjoy some fresh air."

"I get enough fresh air." She shrugged.

"Maybe you'd like to cheer for your brothers? Or boo them? Whichever you feel like."

"No, but maybe Cho would."

"She can cheer or boo with her house." A small smile fought its way into Alex's face and she lifted her book higher to hide it.

"You take Care of Magical Creatures, right?"

"Yes." He nodded.

"How would you feel about not going to the quidditch game with the rest of the school?"

"Where would I be?" He asked.

"Can't tell you. I'd have to show you." She told him. He nodded.

"Alright, sure."

"What, really?"


"It's a quidditch game. You'd actually miss it?"

"Yes. Contrary to what you believe, I'm not obsessed."

"You were going to ditch the Hogsmeade trip for a game with me."

"That was more about the company."

"Well is it any wonder that I think you're obsessed? It was the first thing you ever spoke to me about."

"I'm pretty sure the first thing we spoke about was your penchant for reading books above your year."

"I remember." She nodded. "Of course I do. But quidditch came up right after."

"Well, I love quidditch. I want to be a professional seeker when I graduate, but I don't live and breathe quidditch."

"Yeah, I know." She grinned. "You just get so defensive."

"You're a sneaky one. What are you reading there?"

"Japanese defense book. Snape got it for me."

"And how's that going?"

"Snape gave me a test tailored for Mahoutokoro students in DADA. I like it so far. It's a little more challenging. But the school system's confusing. They have two campuses in Mahoutokoro. A lower school and an upper school. I'll be in my third year at the upper campus. But it's also equal to a Hogwarts fourth year, and their school year begins in April which is why I'll be starting fourth year kind of early. And the kids there start their magical education from a really young age. There are other magic school for younger children. They usually have three years of kindergarten. That's more to contain accidental magic, really. It's actually optional, and more of a daycare. It's not really on any of the Mahoutokoro campuses. Then the elementary years are for about six years where you learn passive charms, and small scale potions. And they have regular muggle classes like maths, science, English, Japanese Lang and lit, PSHE, P.E, music and art. All of them are required in elementary school, but in junior high school, you get to choose five or six. Quidditch is required. Then you get a selection of what magical courses you'd like to take."

"Take a breath." Cedric stopped her.

"Yeah, sorry. I got excited."

"And I was wondering how it's going with Snape." She looked around and cast a muffliato charm.

"It's a little weird. He's so much more strict this year. I think it's because now that he's my uncle, he thinks he has to be all responsible."

"And also, he's the strictest Professor."

"Yeah, but I did a lot of stupid stuff last year that he let me get away with."

"Like what?"

"Befriending a three headed dog."

"I need some clarifications on your adventures last year."

"Later." She stood, cancelling the charm around them. "Bye." She headed back into her dorm. Susan stirred, and woke.


"Yeah, it's me."

"Have you been out all night again?"

"No, I fell asleep in the common room."

"Oh." She said. "I'm going back to sleep."

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now