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"... and there." Alex finished charming Draco's depictions.

"Brilliant." Zabini said. At Malfoy's look, he shrugged. "What? She's charmed the pictures of us charming objects all over the page."

"Have you forgotten who actually drew the pictures?" He sounded a little miffed.

"Good job, Malfoy." Alex said, patronisingly. "Really well done."

"Shove off, Weaslette."

"You need new materials. Your insults are getting dry." She said, before turning to Zabini. "You're presenting."

"Why me?"

"Because I don't want to, and Malfoy'll just focus on his little pictures rather than the actual project." Zabini laughed.

"And, of course, my smooth, velvety voice is the best choice. I even rhyme unintentionally."

"Sure." She snorted. "Whatever."

"What, you don't believe me?"

"Oh, Merlin. Don't start going off on another monologue on us now." Malfoy rolled his eyes.

"You could only hope, Malfoy." Zabini grinned back. Alex just laughed and started rolling up the parchment.

"I'm taking it with me. I'll see you guys in class next week."

"Hold on, why do you get to take it?"

"Because I'm a freak when it comes to my work and I'm not letting either of you potentially put it in danger." She joked.

"Ha!" Zabini barked out a laugh. "You're all right, you know. For a Hufflepuff."

"Oh stop discriminating against houses. That's such a Gryffindor thing to do." She said with a sour look.

"Isn't that discrimating against Gryffindor? And isn't your entire family in Gryffindor? And your best friend?" Malfoy asked.

"I'm not discriminating against Gryffindor. They are brash- it's one of their traits. Impulsivity. And let's be real, Gryffindors are some of the most prejudiced against houses. Just like most Slytherins are the most prejudiced against blood. Doesn't mean all Slytherins and Gryffindors discriminatory to blood or houses. It's just an endless loop. It's mostly the Gryffindors who think Slytherins are evil, so you guys retaliate and end up reinforcing their belief and then it's an endless loop. And so what if Hermione and my siblings are Gryffindors? What's your point?" Malfoy simply raised his brow before shaking his head.

"Nothing." He said. A fourth year Slytherin walked past, giving Alex a smile. Alex smiled back before turning back to her table. Malfoy looked flabbergasted. He nudged Zabini. "You saw that, right?"

"Saw what?"

"Poppy Penfellow and every other bloody Slytherin to walk past acknowledges her. A second year Hufflepuff."

"That's an exaggeration."

"Pretty sure Adrian Pucey dropped by earlier to say hello."

"Your mind's addled. He picked up a book that dropped on the floor." Alex scoffed.

"Did I imagine Laila Shafiq initiate and hold a conversation with you yesterday?" This got Zabini's attention.

"No way."

"I'm just going to head back to my common room. See you in charms." She said and left the library. Boys.

Alex was intercepted by Gabriel Truman, the fifth year Hufflepuff prefect, on her way out to see Kichiro.
"Hey, Dumbledore wants to see you." He said.

"Why?" She said. Gabriel shrugged.

"You know the way to his office, right?"

"Yeah." She sighed. "Thanks." He nodded and she looked out towards the forest longingly before trudging back up and away from the school entrance.

"Miss Weasley." Dumbledore greeted in that overly jovial tone he always adopted. It wasn't her favourite- it always seemed a little fake. No one could be that happy all the time.

"Headmaster, you wished to see me?"

"Yes. I trust your mind has healed from the pensieve last week?" She nodded. "I was wondering, if perhaps you'd allow me to see another memory. This time, your adventures with Mr Potter and professor Quirrell."


"Only if you're comfortable, of course." There was no choice. She could say no, but then she'd be seen as uncooperative and possibly end up in Azkaban.

"Can I have professor Snape here?" She asked. "I'd feel better if he were."

"I'll send him a message." Dumbledore wrote a quick note on a parchment and it vanished. Wandless and non-verbal magic. Powerful stuff, but she wasn't surprised.

Snape entered their office five minutes later.
"You called, Albus?" He sounded dry. He noticed Alex. "What trouble have you gotten into now?"

"You have no faith in me." She rolled her eyes. "I'm not in trouble. I'm going to show the headmaster my memories of Quildemort's attempt at getting the sorcerer's stone. I wanted you here this time."

"Is that so?" She nodded.

"Just don't get all weird afterwards." He stared at her and she felt his legilimency scratching against her mental wards. She strengthened them in reply.

"Well then, Miss Weasley. You remember the process." She nodded. Dumbledore walked over to her, tapping the side of her head with with his wand. The silver stream of her memories followed his movements and into a vial. "Will you view the memory with us this time?" She shook her head. He waved his wand over the vial of her memories and another silver vapour emitted from the end of his wand. He guided it to a second vial, though the original vial was still filled with her memories. With another wand gesture, Dumbledore returned her memories back into her mind.

"Are you okay?" Snape asked and she nodded.

"Yeah, thanks. I suppose you two should view the memories now." She said. "I'll wait here."

"Are you sure?" Alex nodded.

"Yeah." Snape sighed and delved into the pensieve with the headmaster.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now