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After a disastrous display between Harry and Draco, Lockhart decided to try to teach them how to block spells. Snape picked Draco and Harry to demonstrate at the front of the class, which really annoyed Hermione.
"He knows Malfoy's going to play dirty. He just wants to humiliate Harry." She grumbled. Alex shrugged.

"Relax. They'll be fine." Alex didn't know who to root for. Draco had toned down his Malfoy-ness, and they weren't exactly friends but she didn't hate him either. On the other hand, she didn't know Harry much, so she really had no obligation to want him to win. But Draco could be an arse sometimes, so seeing him get knocked down a peg or two might actually be good for him.

"Oh, Harry." Hermione fretted and Alex laughed.

"Look, if the worst comes to happen, Harry'll end up in the hospital wing and be out soon."

"The hospital wing might not be a big deal to you, with the amount of times you've been there, but I have personally had it with my friends needing medical attention." Hermione frowned.

"Speaking of, I'm supposed to go to Madam Pomfrey today." Alex said.

"What why?" Hermione had forgotten about Harry as she turned her concerned eyes onto Alex.

"Check up. Make sure I'm not too damaged to go to Mahoutokoro."

"Well, I suppose you have been eating better, though I think Madam Pomfrey might have something to say about your sleep. It's a good idea."

"My sleeping is fine!" Alex said. She glanced down at her bracelet guiltily. So maybe, charming her bracelet to shock her any time she fell asleep didn't count as fine. And she probably shouldn't be lying to Hermione about it. She just hoped to find a way to deceive Madam Pomfrey about it. Maybe she could pretend to forget to go to the hospital wing today, and read up on glamour spells. Find something to make her seem extra healthy. Enough for the Madam Pomfrey and Snape to get off her back. Yeah, that seemed like a good-

Alex froze as a snake appeared. She hadn't been paying attention to Harry or Draco.
"Don't move, Potter," Snape said, not seeming too bothered by the snake. "I'll get rid of it."

"Allow me!" Lockhart called. He took out his wand and pointed it at the snake but there was a loud bang. Instead of vanishing, the snake flew ten feet into the air and fell back to the floor with a loud smack. Unable to help herself, Alex grabbed onto Hermione, squeezing her arm tightly.

"Alex?" Hermione asked. She looked at her friend who had paled beyond belief, and then looked at the snake who wasn't actually near them. In fact, the snake had slithered straight toward Justin Finch-Fletchley and raised itself again, fangs exposed, poised to strike. "Ow." Hermione hissed softly, but Alex didn't seem to realise how much strength she was using. "Hey, it's okay. Snape'll get rid of it." Alex didn't seem to hear her either. Then, without warning, Harry began hissing at the snake. The snake paused, and cocked his head towards Harry before slumping to the ground.

"What are you playing at?!" Justin yelled in fear before turning and storming out. Snape took out his wand, and vanished the snake, his eyes falling on Alex.

"I think that's enough for today. Dismissed." He said. Ron pulled Harry away, the rest of the class parting for them, too afraid to be near Harry. No one moved after that. "I said, you're dismissed." Snape repeated, his voice cold. Everyone scrambled to the door, Alex still frozen to the spot.

"Come on. Let's go to The Room." Hermione said, but Snape appeared behind them.

"Why don't you go to your common room, Miss Granger? I'd like to speak to Miss Weasley."

"But I-" she tried to protest but he cut her off with a cold glare. She turned to Alex. "Hey, I'll see you in the morning? For breakfast." Alex didn't answer her, and Hermione left, reluctantly. Once the hall had cleared out, Snape led Alex to his office.

"Alex?" He called. She still didn't answer. He manoeuvred her to the chair and sat her down.

Alex was still for a few more minutes before blinking and looking up, confused. She looked around the office before turning to Snape. He was sitting on the edge of his desk, looking at her half worried, half puzzled.
"Glad to see you're finally with us." He said.

"What- what happened?"

"You froze when you saw the snake that Draco had conjured." Her eyes widened for a moment. "I'd like an explanation."

"I... have a fear of snakes. Ophidiophobia."

"You were almost catatonic. It's a wonder I managed to get you here."

"Oh. Sorry."

"I don't want an apology." He said, frustrated. "Does your fear of snakes have anything to do with your time away?"

"Why- why would you think that?"

"Because, a simple fear would not cause you to retreat so deeply into your conscious that you are no longer aware of your surroundings." Alex stayed silent. "Perhaps you'd like to talk about it?"

"There was a woman. Nagini. She could turn into a snake. She was close to him. At first she was a guard who could transform at will, but then she turned into a snake permanently. And sometimes if I displeased him, she would wrap around me tightly. She never bit me, but she was huge and I'd just be suffocating."

"And withdrawing into your subconscious was more of a defense mechanism."

"I didn't mean to. I didn't know that's what I did. I thought maybe I was blacking out whenever she got close."  He put his hand on her shoulder awkwardly.

"It's not your fault. It's your mind-"

"Trying to protect me." She finished and he nodded. "Did everyone see me become suddenly motionless like a weirdo?"

"Ah, no. None except Miss Granger. They were a little more preoccupied with finding out there's a parselmouth amongst them."

"I spoke to the snake? I thought I was still."

"You were. Harry spoke to the snake. You can do that too?" Snape asked and she nodded. "Well, seeing how everyone reacted to Harry, you might want to keep that particular gift silent." She shrugged.

"Doesn't matter. I leave day after tomorrow."

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now