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Alexandra didn't approach Flitwick until her next class on Friday. She went to class a few minutes early to speak to him privately.
"Professor, I'm going to be attending school in Japan in April. I won't be here for the end of year test, so there's really no point in me being partnered with Malfoy and Zabini. Can't I work alone?"

"I'm well aware of your admission to Mahoutokoro. It's why I've partnered you with Mr Zabini and Mr Malfoy. You and your partners will perform the spell earlier than the rest of the class. As concealment charms are quite a tricky bit of magic, I've put the three sharpest minds together."

"I don't need to work with them. I can do it."

"Perhaps, but you need to learn how to work with a team. You're incredibly gifted, but teamwork is a valuable trait to have."

"Can't I work with another group?"

"I'm sorry Miss Weasley, but my decision is final. I've seen what you're capable of alone. Now, I want to see how well you can work with a group."

"Fine." She grumbled and sat in her seat. Charlotte walked in, not long after, and sat beside her.

"Did you ask him?"

"I'm stuck with Malfoy and Zabini." She rolled her eyes.

"On the plus side, they'll have to be nice to you if they hope to pass."

"Actually, according to Flitwick, they've got some of the top marks in class."

"You're kidding me."

"Said he put the three sharpest minds together."

"Oh please. Malfoy hardly knows anything other than complaining to his daddy. And let's not get started on Zabini."

"What about him?"

"Haven't you heard? His mother's been widowed six times already. She just got married again. The longest she's been married was three years, and I think that was Blaise's dad."

"All her husbands died?"

"Yeah, and left her all their wealth. They say she has this insane beauty that no man can resist. They say she has Veela blood, and looking at Blaise, it wouldn't be too hard to believe."

"He's not that good looking."

"Oh please. Blaise Zabini, a slimy Slytherin though he may be, is hands down the fittest guy in Hogwarts."

"Shh. Here they come." Alexandra noticed her new partners. Malfoy sat beside her again, with Zabini on his other side.

"Hey, we were thinking of starting a DADA study group. Lockhart's worthless. You in?" Charlotte asked.

"By we, you mean...?"

"Unfortunately only the boys seem immune to his blinding smile."

"Thank you for not drinking from the 'Gilderoy Lockhart's a hero' pool. I really thought I was losing my sanity."

"Unlike you, the rest of us can't just get out of class whenever we want. We're stuck losing some brain cells for the rest of the year."

"At least you have Ernie and Justin and Zacharias-"

"Justin's team Lockhart." Charlie shook her head.

"You still have Wayne. And Ben."

"We are outnumbered by the fangirls and fanboys. Too outnumbered."

"You'll survive."

"You didn't."

"I'm just not as strong as you." Alexandra said dramatically.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now