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Alex had potions last. She waited until the end of class before waiting behind.
"Is there something I can help you with?" He asked.

"You know, you're a lot different than last year. It's like finding out you're my... you know, made you change."

"I'm sorry you feel that way."

"I- Malfoy used the M-word. Against all the muggleborns. Said they'd be next to be petrified."

"Can I expect a hex his way?"

"Hermione won't let me. Plus, I really can't afford detention."

"Why not?" She ignored the question and changed the subject.

"I've also joined the fourth years' arithmancy study group. I thought it was just going to be Hufflepuffs, but there are some Slytherins there too."

"You're not taking arithmancy. You're a second year. You shouldn't be taking any of the optional courses."

"I'm not. I just liked it when Bill used to do it and he's given me some of his old Hogwarts books. Besides I'm technically supposed to be a third year, anyway."

"Yes, you are." He said.

"I don't really know why I agreed either. I feel like I've been a little soft lately. It's like I remember doing some things, but I don't know why I was doing them. I helped Ginny with her hair, and I didn't say anything when Ron and Harry tagged along to the library with Hermione and I." She frowned. "I'd never let that happen! Especially not Harry. He's the boy who lived."

"What a great feat it is to be alive." Snape drawled.

"He's actually a decent person, I suppose. I could never be his friend, though."

"Why not?" Alex just threw Snape a look.

"Anyways, I've just been acting really weird and I can't just decide to cancel these arithmancy study sessions where I have to actually socialise and be kind of nice. I've already accepted. I can't break a promise." She frowned.

"The world may come to a halt." She pulled a face.

"What are you going to do anything about Malfoy? Last time you said I should just come to you first."

"Yes, and I'm glad you did. Leave him to me."

"Okay." She said, and tapped her fingers on the table.

"There's more. What is it?" He asked, and she bit her lip nervously.

"Can I trust you won't go to Dumbledore? Like last year, I could tell you things because I knew you'd keep it between us. It was actually kind of nice. But then you had to go be a stupid adult and now I don't know whether or not I should tell you things but Hermione's going to kill me if I don't and, yeah..." She trailed off.

"I'm a stupid adult?" He asked.

"No, I didn't mean it like that." She said quickly.

"Is it something the headmaster should know?"

"Well..." she thought for a moment. "It's not anything about Voldemort or the year I was away. Not technically."

"Then I'll keep it between us."

"I need more of that potion you made with Hermione."

"Are you okay?"

"You remember the unicorn?"

"The one you saved? Yes."

"Well, her name's Venus and she gave birth to a baby unicorn."

"I see you didn't stay out of the forest like you were supposed to?"

"Well, she kind of called to me. I didn't realise at the time, but I felt this pull into the forest. Something was wrong, and then Kichiro was really weak. I had to help."

"How are they?"

"They're both much better. Kichiro almost didn't make it. And I tried, but I couldn't really be there twenty four seven. But then, I found a whispering peppermint and fed him a leaf. He got a lot better after that, and now he's okay. Venus, is fine too."

"You've named them both."


"You found a bed of the whispering four?"

"Yeah. It was on my way to Kichiro and I saw it and thought I could use it to keep him safe."

"You happened upon four of the most rarest of plants on your way to nurse a sick unicorn foal?"

"It's not like that, exactly. But kind of. Anyways, yesterday, I went to spend more time with Kichiro, and then it- my- the beast kind of almost took control. I couldn't keep it down, but then Venus put me to sleep. I woke up just in time for Herbology."

"And missed breakfast?"

"I did sit in the great hall for lunch." She told him. "At least one meal a day in the great hall as promised."

"Stay here." He said and walked out into the hallway. He came back five minutes later with some bottles.

"So," she rested her chin in the palm of her hand. "You're not going to tell Dumbledore, right?"

"I suppose a little discretion wouldn't be utterly detrimental in this case." He replied.

"Thank you."

"So you named the foal Kichiro? Is that Japanese?"


"I see." He said, carefully adding three drops of dittany. He stirred clockwise thrice.

"I just thought it suited him." She answered.

"The whispering four- would you be able to show me where it is?" She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small pouch. She picked a single leaf that seemed to sigh in her hand and held it out to him. He gently picked it up.

"I only took some leaves. And only because it was important. I think Kichiro might have died without it. But, like you said, it's rare, and it deserves to live out its days in nature where it belongs."

"You're aware that most potion ingredients come from nature?"

"Yes." She replied. He stayed silent. "What are you going to do about Malfoy?"

"I do believe I told you to leave him to me."

"I'm just curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat."

"Tell Dumbledore that, then." She frowned.

"Professor Kettleburn could help you. With... Kichiro, if you'd like. Care of magical creatures is his specialty after all."

"Not much is known altogether about unicorns. There's nothing he can do. Besides, Kichiro is healthy for now. I don't think I'm supposed to expose his home to strangers. Not unless it's an emergency."

"Of course."

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now