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A/N- I've gotten some questions about Alex's mum, so here is a little biography that has nothing to do with the actual plot of this chapter. This is the story of Morgana Gaunt and Titus Snape. Enjoy, x.

Alex's mother was Voldemort's right-hand man. She followed her dad and believed everything he taught her. She hated muggles and muggleborns and all that. I'm debating on whether I should make her come to Hogwarts or not. Idk, we'll see if maybe that somehow works out in the future. One day she was in Diagon alley and she met Titus who was looking to mend bridges with Severus. He figured the best way to do that was to get him something magical for his brother to show that he didn't have anything against the Wizarding world. That is when Morgana and Titus met. Through him, Morgana began to see a different side to the Wizarding war and realised that maybe not all muggles were so bad. She and Titus wrote to each other over several months. Eventually she would end up sneaking out to meet him and they fell in love and she got pregnant. When she found out, she knew she had to protect both her baby and Titus, so she cut off contact with Titus. She thought distancing herself from him would lower the risk of Voldemort ever finding out about him. She didn't want her baby to grow up like she did hating muggles and muggleborns. She didn't want her baby to grow up hating its father without knowing him, so Morgana went to Dumbledore. He set it up so that Molly and Arthur would raise the child. Since this was planned in the very early stages of the pregnancy, Molly faked being pregnant. Voldemort found out Morgana was pregnant about six months in. This resulted in a heated argument between father and daughter and Morgana told him her baby's dad was a muggle rather than a squib. She then managed to get away and find Dumbledore who hid her way for her final trimester. Morgana died giving birth to her child and never got the chance to hold her baby or name her. The Weasleys took the baby in and raised her and the rest is history.

Okay, continuation of the story begins here:

Severus Snape sat in his office, looking troubled as he tried to scribe a letter. Setting down his quill, he muttered a spell and watched his parchment go up in flames. There was a cough at the door. He looked up at saw Minerva McGonagall with a plate.
"You missed dinner." She said, walking over and setting down the plate. He looked down at the plate and nodded his thanks. "Is everything alright?"

"Define alright." He replied, dryly. She took a seat.

"What's on your mind, Severus?"


"I've known you since you were a boy, Severus. The truth, please?"

"Really, Minerva. It's nothing." She raised a brow. "It's personal." He tried.

"So it's not nothing."

"I'm merely trying to write a letter." He said, knowing she wouldn't give up. "I've recently reconciled with my brother."

"You have a brother?"

"You wouldn't have known."

"I don't remember any other Snapes at Hogwarts."

"He's a squib." Severus explained, smirking in satisfaction at the surprise flitting across Minerva's face. "You weren't my head of house. You wouldn't have known."

"Your brother is a squib?" She repeated.

"Problem?" He asked.

"No, of course not. I'm just surprised."

"My father was a muggle. It was an entirely real possibility that his children would have no magic." He replied dryly. "Thank you for your company and concern, but I have a lot of marking to do."

"Of course." She stood. "My door is always open to you, Severus. I hope you'll remember that." He nodded slowly and watched her leave. He waited to make sure she was gone before turning back to his desk, pushing his plate to the side. Dipping his quill in ink, he grabbed a piece of parchment.

Healer Ashburn,
I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to inquire about your services. I remember your considerable skill in alchemy and mind healing and was hoping you might have some insight to my quandary.

"Blast!" He huffed, burning the letter again, and starting over.

"Why do you always sit out in the common room? You know you'll end up falling asleep on the couch again." Megan scolded as Alex sat with a book. It was one from the library- 'The art of charming inanimate object to respond to a key word, phrase or action' by Bessie Baines.

"I need the light." She said.

"You read way too much. You're going to strain your eyes."

"Why do you care?"

"This again?" Megan huffed sitting next to her. "We're friends, Alex."

"Why? Because we share a room?"

"No, doofus. And if you haven't figure out why we like you by now, you're really not as smart as you think." Megan said.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, come on! You must know why we're friends by now." Alex just shrugged.

"I lie to you guys all the time. And ignore you when it suits me. I'm also basically the least approachable person in this school."

"You ignore us so that you can nurse sick baby unicorns and lie to us to protect said baby unicorn. And I can think of one other person less approachable than you." Alex frowned and Megan clarified. "Snape."

"He's not that unapproachable."

"Not to you. And anyways, haven't you been going to a study group with the fourth years for a class you don't take? That doesn't scream loner."

"I was worried about Kichiro when I promised." She excused herself. "And I was hardly going to go back on my word."

"Oh really?"

"You know, I'm leaving Hogwarts in two weeks. Not April."


"With the attacks at Hogwarts, Dumbledore doesn't think it wise to bring the exchange student here. So when I leave for Christmas break, I'm not coming back."

"You're infuriating." Megan huffed. Alex smiled at that. "Stop looking so smug. You can be a right twit sometimes, but you are still my friend. No amount of pushing me away will work, so get over yourself."

"You're an idiot." Alex growled and turned to her book. Megan didn't look offended. "Just leave me alone."

"You have really major mood swings, did you know? You should work on that." Alex stood and walked away. "Tell Hermione I say hi." Megan called after her.

Alex didn't go to see Hermione. She was too tired to trek all the way to the Gryffindor tower. She couldn't even muster enough energy to go to the vanishing room or to the woods to see Kichiro. Eventually, she decided on the hidden corridor that led her to the Slytherin dungeons. No one else knew about them, as far as she was aware. It was perfect, really. Isolated, but close by. She sat down on the floor, leaning against the cold stone walls. She held out her wand.
"Lumos." She whispered and watched the tip of her wand light up. She turned to the sconces on the wall. Moving her wand upwards in a curve, she cast another spell. "Ignis." A single sconce flared up with light, illuminating the hallway. She fished a bracelet out of her pocket, and opened her charms book up again.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now