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Eventually, dinner was over and Alex didn't have any more excuses to avoid Dumbledore and Snape. She was aware that her dilly dallying gave them time to talk to each other. Probably about her.
"Miss Weasley, come on in." Dumbledore noticed her as soon as she stepped off the elevator.

"Hello, headmaster."

"Take a seat." He said, walking over to his own chair. Snape just stood to the side, his expression dark. She sat down.

"As you've probably guessed, I've filled in the headmaster on your situation."

"I don't have a situation." She crossed her arms.

"Perhaps not, but it begs the question. Why have you not gone to anyone with your troubles?" Dumbledore asked.

"I'm fine. I have no troubles."

"Alex, you can be honest." Snape said. She looked at him and soon felt his influence attempt to breach her mind. She built up her mental block.

"You taught me occlumency, remember?"

"And I've never regretted it so much."

"Severus, legilimency cannot solve everything." Dumbledore looked almost amused. "Miss Weasley, I understand you may not wish to relive your experiences, but the evidence last year shows Voldemort isn't prone to standing down. He'll find a way to rise."

"I don't know what he's planning."

"You may know something. You might not even be aware that you do, but it could be helpful."

"I don't! I don't know anything. I'd tell you if I did."

"Like you mentioned Quirrel was a host for the dark lord." Snape drawled and she glared.

"I didn't mention that, but only because I-" she broke off.

"Because you...?" Dumbledore asked.

"I don't know anything!"

"Alex, I understand that you're afraid." Snape crouched beside her chair. "It's important you know that none of what happened was your fault."

"Is that what you told yourself when you brewed him poisons?"

"And you say you don't know anything." Dumbledore said and she almost cursed out loud. "Why are you keeping his secrets?"

"They aren't his." She said, fighting back tears. "Am I going to be expelled?"

"Whatever for?" Dumbledore said, with a hearty laugh.


"Miss Weasley, as long as Voldemort is around, I do believe you'll be a target. Perhaps Japan might not be such a good idea, lest he find you there." Alex's eyes hardened. She nodded stiffly.

"Albus..." Snape warned.

"Is that all, headmaster?" She asked. He nodded and she left.

"Was that necessary?"

"A war is coming, Severus. We'll need all the information we can get."

"She's a child."

"She's spent a year with her grandfather."

"Exactly. She's traumatized."

"And I am sorry for that, but when Voldemort rises again, and you know he will, the information in her head could turn the tide of the war."

"She's not a weapon."

"I dare say you sound quite fond of her, Severus."

"She is a child. And my brother's daughter. Do you understand that? I dare say you're developing quite the habit of using children for your own ends."

"Do you think Voldemort cares whether or not she's a child? Severus, think. She has spent a year in the company of our enemy. What she knows could help us bring him down before the war even begins."

"Thus sparing your precious Harry Potter?"

"Sparing more lives than you could count." Dumbledore didn't take offence to Snape's harsh tone.

"I will not allow you to use her for your own means. She is not your puppet, Albus." Snape hissed.

"Oh, come now, Severus. You had no way of knowing she was your niece until the start of this year, and yet you were already awfully protective of a Hufflepuff. What gives?"

"Careful, headmaster. It's not about her being my niece or even a Hufflepuff. She's a young child and I will not stand for your manipulations. My duty is to protect all the students in this school, of all four houses. Not just Potter."

"Very well." Dumbledore said, a strange expression on him face. Snape nodded and left the office.

Cedric joined Alex as she cut through the courtyard to get to the other side of the building.
"Hi." He greeted.

"Hello." She said, her voice void of emotion.

"What, no 'go away'?" He asked.

"I figure you'll ignore me anyways." She shrugged.

"Ah, only as long as you don't mean it."

"Shouldn't you be getting some dinner?"

"I was on my way to the kitchens now." She glanced at his broom.

"Is that a Nimbus 2001?" She asked. "When did you get a new broom?"

"My grandparents sent it for my birthday. My dad didn't much like the idea, but he gave in since my grades this year are already looking better."

"It looks magnificent."

"You want to try it out?" He asked. She shook her head. "Come on. You may hate quidditch, but I know you like flying."

"Oh all right." She said. "But tomorrow. You've got to get some dinner."

"Alright. Tomorrow."

"Stop that!" She said, walking ahead.

"Stop what?"

"That face. You're making a really weird face."

"You mean smiling?"

"You're not just smiling. You're smirking. It doesn't suit you."

"What does suit me?"

"I'm not saying anything suits you." He staggered back a little, clutching his heart. "You're so dramatic." She laughed.

"Yeah? Think I've got a future in acting?"

"I'd stick to quidditch if I were you."

"I'm going to take that as a compliment to my quidditch skills."

"Take it however you want." She shrugged, as they started down the steps.

"I'm glad you're out of the hospital wing." He said. "Hermione wouldn't let me in to see you."

"I asked her not to."

"Oh." He didn't press for answers, but he did look rather downhearted.

"It's not you. I just don't think I could see anyone except Hermione then." She said. "It's a lot to explain."

"What happened? How'd you get hurt, anyway?"

"Who says I was hurt?"

"What other reason is there for being in the hospital wing?" He asked.

"Oh, right. That. It's a long story." She shrugged.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now