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Alexandra went back to see Snape after the school day finished. She really didn't know what she was supposed to do with him as an uncle, so she figured she'd just talk to him like the year before. He was always easy to talk to. She ended up telling him about what it was like growing up a Weasley and he enlisted her help with more potions for the hospital wing. They both avoided his brother completely at first. Alexandra wasn't sure she wanted to know about him and Snape didn't want to scare her off. Having a niece was new territory and somewhat of a miracle. He'd thought that even if his brother did have children, he'd never get a chance to be a part of their life.

"Have you always enjoyed potions?" Alexandra asked Snape.


"Me too." She said, before turning back to her journal.

"How is your Japanese?"

"It's getting better, I think. My accent is atrocious, but Hermione's working on it with me."

"Are you enjoying it?"

"Of course!" She looked up as though it were obvious. "It's a little challenging, but sometimes when Hermione's around Ron and Harry, I say something completely random and irrelevant and it really annoys them."

"How often do you do that?"

"We have Herbology together, so a lot during class." Snape smiled slightly. Not an obvious one, just a small tug of the lips. Alexandra noticed, but didn't say anything. Her brows knit together as a serious look appeared on her face.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Can I ask you about your brother?" She asked.

"Of course. What do you want to know?"

"What is he like? Is he nice?"

"Yes. He was my best friend growing up."

"But then you guys had a fight?"

"Sometimes things happen. We didn't have the best home life. I could escape to Hogwarts for most of the year, and he was still stuck at home. Then I stopped going back for Christmas and Easter and things got worse for him. Pretty soon we drifted apart, and I became friends with some pureblood elitists. People who wouldn't approve of my having a muggle brother."

"Because you were a Slytherin."


"But not all Slytherins are bad."


"You just became friends with the ones who were bad."

"They weren't all bad, I suppose. More... ignorant."

"Malfoy's ignorant." Alexandra rolled her eyes.

"Draco's just grown up with a set of beliefs ingrained within him."

"My mother grew up with those same beliefs, and yet she fell in love with your brother. She wasn't perfect, but she knew better than to be so ignorant."

"Sometimes the teachings of our parents is a hard thing to shake. Don't write Draco off so quickly. Give him a chance, he may surprise you yet." Alexandra pulled a face and he smiled a little again.

"Why do you care so much? You don't like anyone."

"I've known Draco a very long time. His father and I go way back."


"None of that now."

"He's an arse. He's insulting and offensive."

"Just don't hate him entirely." Alexandra huffed.

"No promises."

"What do you write about?" Snape asked curious. She always carried the small journal around and constantly wrote in it.

"Nothing." She closed it, resting her hands atop it protectively. "It's nothing."

"One of the fondest memories I have of Titus was when I was nine. This was before I even knew of Hogwarts."

"Could you do magic?"

"Nothing huge. Just enough to make playing with my brother fun. Ty and I were messing around on a football field. I wasn't very good at it and sports day was coming up at school. Every student was required to participate in at least one sport and I was selected to play football. For the entire month before, Ty would take me out to the park and teach me how to play and practice with me until I got good enough to play with my class. I scored the winning goal and Ty was there cheering me on. It was the first time I ever got along with any of the other kids in my school, and when I got home, my mum had baked a cake in the shape of a football with icing and everything."

"That was kind of him."

"That's the sort of person he was."

"Are you going to stay in touch with him?"

"Yeah, I think I will."

"Can you tell me more about him?" He nodded.

"Of course."

Later that week, Cedric found Hermione and Alexandra in the library.
"At this rate, you'll be better prepared to go to Japan than me." Hermione blushed a little.

"Don't downplay your abilities."

"I'm not. Your Japanese linguistic skills are beyond good. It's a fact."

"Hi." Cedric interrupted, taking the empty seat in front of them.

"Cedric." Hermione greeted warmly. "Hi."

"What are you doing here?" Alex asked.

"I'm good, thank you. And you?" He replied sarcastically and she rolled her eyes. He sighed once realising she wasn't going to budge. "What happened to friends?"

"He has a point."

"And I had a legitimate question. Besides I saw you this morning." She said accusingly. "So why bother with the small talk?"

"I recall you once promising me a one on one not-quidditch match." She narrowed her eyes.

"I'm busy right now." She tested.

"When will you not be busy?" He countered.


"That's a hogsmeade weekend."

"Is it?" Hermione looked between the two, torn between stepping in and standing up for Cedric and watching to see how it ended.

"Although there will be others, I suppose."

"So Saturday?" Alexandra asked to confirm.

"Alex." Hermione hissed, but she was ignored. Cedric and Alexandra stared at each other for a few moments.

"Saturday." Cedric eventually confirmed. He stood up. "I look forward to it."

"Okay." And with that he left. Alexandra watched him walk to the exit before turning to Hermione. "Can we reschedule?"

"Only if you go after Cedric and have that match."

"That's the plan."

"Go!" Hermione encouraged and Alexandra jogged away.

Alexandra Weasley: Book 2Where stories live. Discover now