Chapter 3

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The crackling in your ears knocks out other senses.


Whirlwind tosses you out of the portal, and you fall onto a cobbled street. Wince, shake your head, but the buzzing slowly dies out. "Well, that's gonna hurt," you mutter and get up. Ugh. You've bruised your hands and knees even worse than they were.

You look yourself over. All scruffy and messy, you make quite a picture.

"Keep going," you whisper and pull on a smile. A chuckle gets stuck in your throat. "You have nothing to lose."

You shove your hands into your pockets and look around

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You shove your hands into your pockets and look around. Small houses with shaded silver-painted walls and gable roofs of all shades of purple chain up the street. Some miss a shutter, or have sloppily glossed over cracks, or even nailed windows. There are stalls outside or shops on the ground floor, others have just plain looking wooden doors with a single carving. You walk closer to one and touch the symbol – nothing happens.

"Bother." You shrug and go on along the street. It looks straight out of a Medieval song, but with purple and silver banners and flags, and craftsmen's signs, and the street stones somehow glimmer silver underneath your feet. "Why no magic?" You poke another carved symbol, and yet nothing. With the third door, you whisper, "Or is it just their writing? Like, street name? House number?"

You go on. A bakery, an ironsmith's, some fabrics and a laces shop... You peek inside but see no one. The street's also completely empty.

"Hey?" you call out and hope they will understand you. Well, they must hear you anyway, and somehow the other three you've met before spoke the same language as you. Or maybe cards come with auto-translation? "Anybody in there?"

No answer comes.

"He-e-ello!" you shout louder. "Ugh, this is pointless." You look up and squint at the clouded skies: they look like midday or around so. The sun rays are hardly getting past, and yet you can make out its disk above your head. "Where's everyone?"

The deafening silence is your answer. Not a single breeze touches the purple flags, you can hear not a single flatter. Not a single anything, only your heart thumps in your ears. You gulp and breathe in. Then out.

"It's not a fading world– parallel, is it?" Looks nothing like yours.

You hug yourself and go on. Well, at least you know exactly what to expect in that case. This place is nowhere near, it's quiet, tranquil– and clearly deserted.

Hm? A triangular purple flag lies on the road, and you pick it up. The fabric feels soft, you take the flag by the corners and stretch it out in front of you. In the middle embroidered is... a silver stick?

Your stomach rumbles. With everything going on, you've completely forgotten you were watching the clock and counting for the lunch break. And then your teacher disintegrated and disrupted the day. You can no longer believe that was today.

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